Ted Rall for August 18, 2001
They made it hip to be a baby. They set America's Demographic barometer... when they turned 50, even baldness became cool. (Woman: That's not real baldness- you shaved to look old! I bet those are fake eye bags too!) (Man: No! I am old!) Now the boomers are starting to die, and marketers are taking notice! (Television: You marched in the '60's... now get deep. Sixed in style!! The ford expedition robocasket comes with quadrasonic sound!) (Man: Damn boomers... by the time I die I'll be relegated to a pine box! As had happened so many times before, boomers bring their astonishing self-indulgence to their deaths. (Woman: I'm a boomer! I'm more active and vibrant now that I'm dead than ever before!) And while we all die, you die better when you die a boomer. Shot in the Mexican revolution. You? (MAn: Sap! We had the best deaths ever- and you weren't there! Looo-ser!