Ted Rall for September 04, 2004
Unless you live in a "swing" state, your vote doesn't count. (Man: The case could be made that all Americans deserve to meet the candidates.) (Kerry: The case could be made that we should be in Ohio now.) Even if you live in a swing state, your vote doesn't count unless you live in a swing county. (Bush: The enemy has cuyahoga county locked up- cancel my speech there and set up a gig in Montgomery.) Even if you live in a swing county in a swing state, your vote doesn't count unless you vote early in the morning. (Television: With 4% of exit polls counted, we're prepared to declare results for Montgomery County and therefore Ohio and thus the nation!) But vote anyway! It's the only voice you have! (Bush: Stay in practice- vote every time!) (Kerry: That's right! Someday you could be a swing voter in a swing county in a swing state!)