Ted Rall for September 06, 2004
Live from the New York terror whores! (Woman: Like all the passengers (Woman: Like all the passengers on the plane, my husband knew he was about to die. "Honey" he told me when he called, "all us passengers would've voted for Bush over the Democratic nominee. We want the world to know that.") (Woman 2: It's true. My husband called me from the same plane. "My death will only have meaning," he told me "if my beloved Republicans sweep the 2004 election.") (Woman 3: My husband, the pilot, asked the hijackers who they supported for the '04 race. He secretly transmitted their response a minute before the crash: "3 say Kerry, 1 Nader") (Woman 1: The most important voters this year are the 9/11 dead. We owe it to them to reelect George W. Bush- otherwise, the terrorists will have won!) Several miles up: (Man 1: We should totally so haunt those wenches.) (Man 2: Why? Getting away from our wives is the best part of being dead!)