Ted Rall for February 19, 2007
Man: Machine guns! Pistols! AK-47s! The U.S. is supplying these to violent groups in Iraq. Mahmoud Ahmadenijad: Our intelligence shows that 150,000 armed U.S. operatives are now in Iraq - with 20,000 more on the way. It's obvious that the U.S. government is behind this! George W. Bush: Puh-leeze! As if! The U.S. doesn't interfere with other nations' internal affairs! Oh, and pss-shaw. We only use nuclear weapons for peaceful purposes! Oh, and don't meddle with us. Iran, which has long accused the U.S. of meddling in Iraq, presents proof supporting its accusations. Iran also charges that the U.S. has operatives inside Iraq. Scoffing at the allegations, U.S. officials say Iran is fabricating evidence to justify a war. Next: Is the U.S. continuing its 63-year-old uranium enrichment program?