Ted Rall for March 22, 2007
Paul Bremer has admitted that initially sounded like a bonehead move. As proconsul of occupied Iraq, he shipped $12 billion in cash to the war zone where-despite being guarded by $22,000 a year soldiers- it disappeared. (Man: It's baffling.) It turns out, however, that those shrink-wrapped bricks of $100 bills packed on giant pallets weighing 363 tons were a brilliant military tactic. (Man 2: Raytheon charges us thousands of dollars per bomb. But we're the government! Printing money is free for us!) Each pallet of $400,000 cash bricks plunges from a B-52 stratofortress zooming 34,000 FT. above the terrorist-infested hell that is Iraq. Never question our leaders! You'll only feel dumb when their wisdom is reaffirmed! (Man: Some fighters die from the impact. Others trample each other in their scramble for the cash. Keep printing! We're only a few trillion bucks from victory!)