Ted Rall for March 24, 2007
Bill Clinton influenced a generation of American youth. (Woman: Oral sex isn't sex, it's common courtesy.) (Man 1: Why wait for the first date?) Bush's legacy is now clear: trickle-down irresponsibility. (Man 2: That cut didn't plan for the occupation of Iraq!) (Woman: Spent money we don't have!) (Man 3: Still hasn't done jack about Katrina!) If it hadn't been for our nearly unanimous support, he couldn't have pulled off any of it. (Man 4: I was crazy with grief over 3,000 people I'd never met. Bush hornswoggled me with his silver tongue!) And the 91% minus 29% = 62% of Americans who changed their minds about bush since 9/11? (Woman: He fooled us into ignoring liberals and old-school conservatives and journalists and foreigners. He's diabolical! Uses a mind ray or somesuch!)