Ted Rall for June 18, 2007
An internal review found that America's new "enhanced interrogation techniques" are antiquated and ineffective, urging that beating be supplemented by "good cop-bad cop" and Madison Avenue Marketing tools. Here, more ideas for better, kinder torture: In the "Nagging Spouse" the questioner repeats the same demand using a toxic blend of whining and guilt-inducing plaintiveness. (Man 1: But you promised to tell me everything!) (Man 2: No I didn't.) (Man 1: Come on!) (Man 2: No.) (Man 1: Pleeeeze?) (Man 2: Ok!) (Television: Only agent Jack Bauer can stop a bomb about to.) (Man 2: Why can't I just go to the "Main Menu?") In "forced preview Up High," the detainee is allowed to watch a Jihadi DVD but is first forced to sit through an endless series of trailers for pro-American propaganda films. In "Clue" only people who are actually involved in terrorist activities are arrested and subject to the enhanced interrogation techniques. (Man 1: Now us GITMO guys are as lonely as the Maytag repairman!)