Ted Rall for October 22, 2007
Who knew? Mensatocracy. (Television: Enlist! Fight in Iraq! Collect a bonus if you don't die!) (Man 1: I'm in!) In the year 2007, Americans were dumber than dirt. (Man 2: Here in Iraq, the locals throw explosive metal cone roses to thank us for liberating them.) Over time, however, the endless war in Iraq began to play a role in natural selection. (Voice: Ow! @#% Rose!) Only idiots signed up: Only idiots died. Back home, the average I.Q. soared. (Man 3: Low-quality American troops are taking the fun out of insurgency. Half these guys die in car accidents!) 500 years later, the U.S. was in intellectual utopia of creativity and paragmatism. (Man 4: Working 5 hours a week rocks! I just finished another 4-D play!) (Man 5: I'll watch it on the mindset!) Which led them to ironically-a stupid decision. (ManWhat are we idiots to do?