Ted Rall for January 21, 2013
President Obama's cabinet is being criticised for not being diverse enough. For example, drone victims would rather get killed by a dark-skinned secretary of defense. (Man: This would suck less if the dude were at least taupe.) The unemployed would barely mind watching their benefits expire while the rich pigs who fired them rake in big tax cuts if the treasury secretary who didn't care was gay. (Woman: I like my oppressors to have grown up in a Bronx housing project before selling out.) While Guantanamo detainees like rotting away under the jurisdiction of a black attorney general, they'd be pleased as punch to do so if he were handicapped or trans. (Man 2: But not Muslim! Inside knowledge would make it too easy to torture us!) This is 2013. If you can't find a high-quality minority monster, you're not looking hard enough. (Man 3: Secretary of offshore drilling? Does that offer health benefits? If so, I- biracial and bisexual- am in!)