Get To Know Your Customers Day. I know several of my regular customers, but I won’t get to know any customers today because it’s my day off.
National Give something Away Day. Well, it’s trash day – I’ll let the garbage men take away all the trash that’s in my trash can and they can have it all FREE of charge.
National Gummi Worm Day. I’m not a fan of gummi worms. I can take them or leave them, but mostly, I’d choose to leave them.
National Pet Fire Safety Day
National I Love Horses Day. I have loved horses all my life. I had an imaginary horse when I was a kid.
Today is:
Get To Know Your Customers Day. I know several of my regular customers, but I won’t get to know any customers today because it’s my day off.
National Give something Away Day. Well, it’s trash day – I’ll let the garbage men take away all the trash that’s in my trash can and they can have it all FREE of charge.
National Gummi Worm Day. I’m not a fan of gummi worms. I can take them or leave them, but mostly, I’d choose to leave them.
National Pet Fire Safety Day
National I Love Horses Day. I have loved horses all my life. I had an imaginary horse when I was a kid.
National Tapioca Pudding Day.