My daughter and I had quite the day today. I had a 10:30 appt at the DMV to get my license and register my car. You go in get a number and wait…. with at least 500 other people in a huge room. After about 15 minutes they called my name, all was going well, I had my picture taken…then the worker ( what do you call the people who work there? ) noticed the smog check on my car was more than 90 days old. So we had to leave and get one. Got back and waited for our number ( a new one) to be called. Got a new worker. All was going well until my daughter realized she forgot to switch my insurance to Vegas from Vancouver ( she volunteered to do it, we all have the same agent) so we sat back down in the waiting room and called our agent. It took an hour to have them make the transfer and send it to my phone, then we got a new number and waited another hour or so to call us again. Of course everytime we got a new person we had to explain everything over again. We were there from 10:30 until 4:45!!!. Of course I got a lecture about the smog check, but I refrained from giving her one about the insurance.. We ate lunch at 5. She went with me because it’s hard for me to hear with all the noise and masks on. I’m beat…
I love that white kitty!
My daughter and I had quite the day today. I had a 10:30 appt at the DMV to get my license and register my car. You go in get a number and wait…. with at least 500 other people in a huge room. After about 15 minutes they called my name, all was going well, I had my picture taken…then the worker ( what do you call the people who work there? ) noticed the smog check on my car was more than 90 days old. So we had to leave and get one. Got back and waited for our number ( a new one) to be called. Got a new worker. All was going well until my daughter realized she forgot to switch my insurance to Vegas from Vancouver ( she volunteered to do it, we all have the same agent) so we sat back down in the waiting room and called our agent. It took an hour to have them make the transfer and send it to my phone, then we got a new number and waited another hour or so to call us again. Of course everytime we got a new person we had to explain everything over again. We were there from 10:30 until 4:45!!!. Of course I got a lecture about the smog check, but I refrained from giving her one about the insurance.. We ate lunch at 5. She went with me because it’s hard for me to hear with all the noise and masks on. I’m beat…