“Island of Misfit Toys” is from the Rankin-Bass animated version of “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer” - most notable for Burl Ives as the singing snowman / narrator. A jack-in-the-box named Charlie, a train with square wheels…
BTW - you DO know that the REAL reason Rudy flies with Santa is so the sleigh meets international airworthiness rules, not some idiotic fog / storm thing, right? Anti-collision beacon.
“Island of Misfit Toys” is from the Rankin-Bass animated version of “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer” - most notable for Burl Ives as the singing snowman / narrator. A jack-in-the-box named Charlie, a train with square wheels…
BTW - you DO know that the REAL reason Rudy flies with Santa is so the sleigh meets international airworthiness rules, not some idiotic fog / storm thing, right? Anti-collision beacon.