Brutus needs to stop bothering his boss about a raise. It is obvious his boss does not think he is worth his current salary and only keeps him around out of pity. He knows how lazy and incompetent Brutus is and that no one else would even consider hiring him. He also knows they have a kid and that his wife doesn’t work. He would love to fire him but his conscious want let him. He deals with this by insulting Brutus on a regular basis
Brutus needs to stop bothering his boss about a raise. It is obvious his boss does not think he is worth his current salary and only keeps him around out of pity. He knows how lazy and incompetent Brutus is and that no one else would even consider hiring him. He also knows they have a kid and that his wife doesn’t work. He would love to fire him but his conscious want let him. He deals with this by insulting Brutus on a regular basis