Think about how many people think that they can do some clearly dangerous thing with impunity: distracted driving, drunk driving, smoking, leaving guns where kids can get them, cheating on a spouse, cheating on a test, lying on a resume, inappropriate behavior at work, etc…
All the people who’ve ever been caught/injured/killed doing those things, all of them, gambled that there would either be NO consequences, or minor, easily-handled (by money or power or fame) consequences.
I can’t even say that that’s Human Nature, because the majority of people CAN see the potential consequences of their actions, and decide against it. So, it’s more like poor judgement than human nature.
Think about how many people think that they can do some clearly dangerous thing with impunity: distracted driving, drunk driving, smoking, leaving guns where kids can get them, cheating on a spouse, cheating on a test, lying on a resume, inappropriate behavior at work, etc…
All the people who’ve ever been caught/injured/killed doing those things, all of them, gambled that there would either be NO consequences, or minor, easily-handled (by money or power or fame) consequences.
I can’t even say that that’s Human Nature, because the majority of people CAN see the potential consequences of their actions, and decide against it. So, it’s more like poor judgement than human nature.