The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for November 21, 2021
Miss Overdunne: Welcome, everyone, to the first Elderpark Rap Slam! On my right, our very own Elderrappers!! Voices: Yeah! Go Mildred! All right!!! Overdunne: And... on my left... from the Centers for Medicare Services.. the government's premier rapper - Fed Head! Man: Hey - E-Town - wazzup people? Voices: Now... we're up first and about to burst. It's all so confusin' are we winnin' or losin'? Is Medicare Part D the plan for me? Will my IRA just dribble away? Man: Now brothers'n'sisters CMS can see... you're all strugglin' with uncertainty!! I'm from the gove'mint - so just trust me!! Woman: That's what you say... but will it be that way? Man: Who're you voting for? Woman: Unhook my bra! Gonna throw it to FedHead! Man: Edna Wilkins!
As they say, “old age ain’t easy but it’s better than the alternative”.