About three years ago I had one of those twisty type CFL bulbs in a lamp in the living room by the TV.. One night after I turned the wall switch on to light it, the darn thing caught on fire and I then had a small flame coming out the top of the lamp shade.. It soon went out on its own though..What a scare it gave me ! Ever since that experience I’ve been very wary of those bulbs and long for the days when we didn’t have such things to worry about.
About three years ago I had one of those twisty type CFL bulbs in a lamp in the living room by the TV.. One night after I turned the wall switch on to light it, the darn thing caught on fire and I then had a small flame coming out the top of the lamp shade.. It soon went out on its own though..What a scare it gave me ! Ever since that experience I’ve been very wary of those bulbs and long for the days when we didn’t have such things to worry about.