The Knight Life by Keith Knight for February 25, 2013
KN: What are those? KK: Tickets to the circus!! KN: The circus? Im not going to watch animals get tourtured for my amusement!! KK: Thats not trump! In sure its just a misunderstanding!! KN: what part of "Bungling Bros, and animal cruelty circus" amI misunderstanding? KK: They're not really brothers!!
While I understand what you’re saying Waykirk, I do have to point out that things, for the most part, have changed since the 50’s. The American Association of Zoos and Aquariums has strict guidelines to follow regarding animal health and welfare. You’ll still find zoos that are severely lacking but they are actually the exception rather than the rule. People don’t want to see sickly, emaciated animals in tumble down enclosures so they won’t come to your zoo and won’t give you money. Good zoo directors know this and react accordingly.