Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 01, 1998
God-man, the superhero with omnipotent powers! this week: the ambiguity of dr. moral-relativism!! millionaire owen flynn is awoken... by the sounds of a burglary just then... god-man! just in time! but god-man! you're omniscient--you know i'm not a bad guy! I never recovered from my father's alcoholism and my impoverished childhood! and this rich guy--is he a better man than I? no... his company pollutes, he gives little to charity, and he's cruel to his family! hey! come on!! he's stealing my stuff! exactly! and so you blindly enforce property rights?! that's the highest moral order?! that's enough!! i'm leaving! but dr. moral-relativism, your wife is going to fall in love with another man! yes! and flynn, in four months, you're going to have a massive coronary attack. what?! ha! as always, a battle with dr. moral-relativism has a confusing outcome! did he somehow defeat god-man? what a lousy superhero! only god-man knows!