Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 12, 2005
school time rock! bill: holy cow! look who's walking by! it's the constitution! const: hi, bill. bill: gosh! you're the most important law there is! const: yeah, but i'm still just a bunch of words! oh, i'm just a constitution, tryin' to make a contribution. i'm the supreme law of the land, and that sure sounds grand, you'd thin i'd be strong, but you'd be wrong. on my watch, america's done many things unsavory, internment, genocide, and a little thing called slavery. i need wise interpretation, so that the nation, gets its protection, from people who win elections. bill: wow. the words aren't enough! you need judges with wisdom in order to work! const: *sigh* here comes the new group. judge 1: hmm... i don't see the words "torture," "enemy combatant," "abortion," "mandatory christianity," do you? judge 2: nope. ain't in there.