Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 30, 2014
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling WHAT WE IMAGINE CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS WILL SAY DURING THE GLOBAL WARMAGEDDON: Man: OH MY GOD! You were RIGHT! How could I have been so STUPID?! I'M A MONSTER WHO KILLED THE EARTH! WHAT THEY ACTUALLY WILL SAY: Man: I never said the climate wasn't changing. I just said the change wasn't caused by human activity. And I still don't think so. Woman: If Obama had been a better leader, he would have created BIPARTISAN ACTION to prevent this. THANKS, OBAMA! Man: WHATEVER! The main thing is, during a continent-wide FIRENADO storm, what we need most is LOWER TAXES and LESS REGULATION! Voice: RESPECT THE PERIMETER AROUND THE PIGGLY WIGGLY! POW PING
A sane area between corporate greed and liberal lunacy? Corporate greed = unfettered pollution. Liberal lunacy = annoying people espousing wind turbines and solar panels. Why not the best of both worlds?