Moving water from the seas to inland reserves as fresh water in glacial ice, aquifers, surface water and biomass requires vast amounts of thermal energy. This energy has been absent since the catastrophic cooling of the Earth during the ice age. Ever since then, water has been returning to the seas at greater volume than it has been forced out by thermal energy and deposited inland. It is deposited at a shorter distance inland due to rapid atmospheric cooling in the diminished atmospheric thermal envelope created by the cooling of the seas. This does result in atmospheric warming, that will eventually warm the seas. But the current warming trend due to increasing inland aridity will continue for another ten thousand years. Adding “greenhouse gasses” to the atmosphere will be mostly useless, not cutting down the warming cycle by more than a few decades, at best.
I’ve always wanted to see that happen to Woodstock. I started reading Peanuts in the ’50s when I was in grade school. It had a cynical edge. I was that kind of kid. About the time Snoopy licensing got big the strip became too feel good for me. I kept reading it till the ’70s out of inertia and the hope that it would return to its roots.
KenseidenXL over 3 years ago
I can bet that Chuck Schultz is doing cartwheels in his grave right now….
danketaz Premium Member over 3 years ago
Could the Reptiloid Illuminati be disguising themselves as The Great Pumpkin?
dadoctah over 3 years ago
“Here’s the World War I flying ace going on a cloud-seeding mission.”
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 3 years ago
On the Shores of the Minnesota-Manitoba Sea
Monster Hesh over 3 years ago
Gotta love how, in the middle strip, the only character even mentioning climate change is Charlie Brown, triggered by the mere mention of “heat.”
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Man, I thought in previous Q-Nuts installments, the CB equivalent was the reasonable one. So much for that.
Capitalism = sucks forever
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 3 years ago
Moving water from the seas to inland reserves as fresh water in glacial ice, aquifers, surface water and biomass requires vast amounts of thermal energy. This energy has been absent since the catastrophic cooling of the Earth during the ice age. Ever since then, water has been returning to the seas at greater volume than it has been forced out by thermal energy and deposited inland. It is deposited at a shorter distance inland due to rapid atmospheric cooling in the diminished atmospheric thermal envelope created by the cooling of the seas. This does result in atmospheric warming, that will eventually warm the seas. But the current warming trend due to increasing inland aridity will continue for another ten thousand years. Adding “greenhouse gasses” to the atmosphere will be mostly useless, not cutting down the warming cycle by more than a few decades, at best.
wrd2255 over 3 years ago
“By the time we got to Woodstock, he was cooked down to the bone”
Another Take over 3 years ago
Had this been spread out over 5 days it would’ve gotten 5 Likes from me.
willie_mctell over 3 years ago
I’ve always wanted to see that happen to Woodstock. I started reading Peanuts in the ’50s when I was in grade school. It had a cynical edge. I was that kind of kid. About the time Snoopy licensing got big the strip became too feel good for me. I kept reading it till the ’70s out of inertia and the hope that it would return to its roots.
gmadoll789 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Making profit is integral – necessary to the solving of all problems. Sounds like a Profound Revelation to me!
AndrewSihler over 3 years ago
When did Mr Bolling start having trouble with number concord? The word data is a plural noun—data prove something or other, not proves.
And Illuminati is plural, too.
GreggW Premium Member over 3 years ago
You’re a bad man, Charlie Brown.
jpozenel over 3 years ago
Normally Charlie Brown is the voice of reason.
I suspect that he’s been watching Fox lately.
bakana over 3 years ago
Like the Flash Roasted Bird.
gigagrouch over 3 years ago
Mr. Shultz’s estate’s lawyers just called…