Jeff Danziger for May 02, 2014

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    All together now. Let’s all cry for that poor, botched-execution victim. You know, the one who shot-gunned a 19-year young woman, then had her buried will still alive, and probably in agony. Let’s all pray for him!

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    Being locked in a cell the size of the grave they dug this woman, for the rest of his “natural” life, would have been justice in this particular case, but the simple fact is, the axe, guilotine, and noose, are all more “humane” than these idiotic cocktails. The real issue is the blood-lust folks who want the death penalty, are too squeemish to do it right, because they can’t stand “violence”. right.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    ^^antique: I’ve arrested two murderers: one was a guy who was wanted by 11 states for robbery and homicide, and the feds for bank robbery. We sent him off, and the of the states had the death penalty, so don’t know if he was executed or not but I can guarantee he never saw the outside.

    The second murderer was a girl who’s father (coincidentally a Republican elected official, and lawyer), she got off with a reduced involuntary manslaughter, basically skating on our charge. It turned out that she’d just reached prosecutable age, and this guy was the THIRD boyfriend she’’d shot, and fortunately for one of the guys, only the second who died, but then six rounds from a revolver in the back of the head will do that. She should have gotten a life term at a minimum, but that “who you know” has value.

    You might also want to consider the statistics, called FACTS on how many convicted murderers serving on death row have been released, because it’s been proved they were INNOCENT! As I’ve stated, I don’t object on principle to some folks getting the death penalty, but the cost of it, and the way some states hand it down, makes me question the true wisdom of it in many other cases.

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  4. Monk
    Mokurai  about 10 years ago

    The man who invented the lethal injection protocol now says that it was the biggest mistake of his life, and has become an Episcopal priest. A little like the slave ship captain who wrote the hymn Amazing Grace and became an Anglican priest and a leader in the anti-slavery movement two centuries ago. We could do with more who can come to see the errors of their ways.

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  5. Missing large
    Rodney K. Anderson  about 10 years ago

    Making the victim pay for the bullet is exactly what Hutu militias did in Rwanda, where the other means of killing was a machete. We called it barbaric then. The man was convicted of a particularly cruel murder. Death is more than enough punishmen for the crime.

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    gammaguy  about 10 years ago

    Also posted on a related cartoon:..This high-tech stuff has nothing to do with the death penalty itself. It has to do with the politicians — of all stripes — lining the pockets of those who provide the chemicals and theater (yes, the actually real reality show of killing someone, made even more entertaining by the suspense of wondering what might go wrong THIS time)...There is and always has been a simple, inexpensive, proven, and “humane” (in case that’s considered important) method… carbon monoxide. Proven not just in the lab but in “regular” use every year in both accidents and deliberate suicides, carbon monoxide painlessly renders its victims unconscious before eventually killing them. And if for some reason it fails to do the job the first time, it can be tried again, with no more suffering in the meantime (as has been reported by survivors) than one would get from an alcoholic hangover...Yet I’ve never heard of this method being discussed by law enforcement, politicians, or the media. Why not?

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  7. Missing large
    No New Wars  almost 10 years ago

    @NeoconMan: crucifixion was a Roman (amongst others) practice, not a Christian one. The Christian tradition is massed swords, arrows, cannon and gunfire for groups, alternatively torture then burning alive for individuals.

    @gammaguy: indeed, carbon monoxide is probably the cleanest, safest, most hygienic and most humane method available. It is ironic that the generator(s) used to run the electric chair probably produce enough CO when cooking one person to death to kill everyone on death row. (Also, it was a method used by both the Nazis and the Soviets, so should be acceptable to both the political left and right.)

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