Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for June 07, 2024

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    think it through  26 days ago

    MAGA’its and republicans in general come up with this junk to deflect from trump’s criminal convictions. Remember that a republican accusation is really a republican confession. Trumpies believe that convicting Hunter is revenge for forcing trump to face justice for his many, many crimes. Hunter will receive the average punishment for his crime of probation and trump is looking at time behind bars. There is justice that most Americans can believe in.

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    azrael2000  26 days ago

    Well said and done, Al. 100% correct. Just in time as Joe was putting mint chocolate “ice cream” in his Depends in Normandy.

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    Sun  26 days ago

    Joe Biden was in Arizona September 28th, 2023, only to avoid and ignore his border crisis.

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    Sun  26 days ago

    Democrats are proud owners and founders of ‘Defund the Police’.

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    baroden Premium Member 26 days ago

    Of course, it would be way too simple to simply point out that after trying to work on a bipartisan solution only to be completely derailed by Trump, he did the only thing left: an EO that addresses the border crisis.

    (If it helps: remember all the times you criticized Obama for issuing all those EOs while he was in office, but never said a word when Trump did it.)

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    DC Swamp  26 days ago

    Dementia Joe is just………distracted.

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    mourdac Premium Member 26 days ago

    Meanwhile a Republican House tells Judge Merchan to not send Felon45 to jail and urges the U.S. to ignore ICC indictments against Bibi. Typical Repub adherence to the law when it suits their agenda.

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    superposition  26 days ago

    What is the well-tested/proven, proactive, reality-based Q/MAGA plan to unite the US electorate and make all of us — not just a few — stronger, wiser, safer, happier, and more resilient?

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    Dangerguy  26 days ago

    The MAGA plan is simple. Discredit scientists and medicine so people don’t know what to believe. Discredit the courts, unless they are ruling in your favor of course. Discredit the election process so you can manipulate it to your ends. Convince people the whole system is so corrupt it’s best to just collapse it and start over, something that has never worked in the past. Make certain people who are just trying to survive into villains…. The demographic trends are against them so they are rushing to bake in minority rule. Get power and keep it is the whole agenda.

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    The Nodding Head  26 days ago

    ??? Someone is confused, distracted, and demented, and it isn’t President Biden.

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    suzalee  26 days ago

    If Biden is in control of the federal courts, why would he allow his son to be brought to trial? Believe me, if Trump were President, he would never allow one of his children to be brought to trial. Trump broke a state law, and was brought to trial in a state court. Biden is not screaming that the system is rigged and that the judge is crooked in Hunter’s trial. Trump does nothing but scream that the system is rigged and that he is a victim. What a big baby

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    Jack7528  26 days ago

    Love it it doesn’t need to be true, other than all those issues with the Biden Administration. Who cares what order it is in.

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    Adolf Trump  26 days ago

    Am I the only one who sees goodwyn as dull and painfully repetitive? Artistic skills are juvenile, at best. Sad.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 26 days ago

    President Biden went on national news last night and said he would ACCEPT the jury verdict in his son’s trial and that he would not pardon Hunter if his son were convicted.

    That is called respect for the rule of law.

    Trump offers pardons as payback and bribes.

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    thelordthygod666  26 days ago

    “When did “Al” become his last name and Goodwyn his first name…or are you now alphabetizing comic creators by first names?" : thelordthygod666

    Reply from AMU Support – This change was made at the request of Al Goodwyn.

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    ncorgbl  26 days ago

    Biden has addressed all those subjects in the past few days alone. There is no distraction attempted. In fact, in an interview just yesterday Biden was asked if he’ accept any verdict on his son’s trial, and he answered “Yes.” Then Biden was asked if he’d pardon his son if convicted and he said “No.” tRump has said he’d pardon his insurrectionists.

    After having a bi-partisan plan written primarily by the Republican Senator from Oklahoma, a plan that Republicans initially said was the best they’d ever seen, tRump told them not to pass it. He doesn’t want the border to be addressed under Biden, and does want it to be a campaign issue. All for tRump, not for the country.

    Once again, after congress refuses to do it’s job, and serving tRump instead of the people, Biden has acted.

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    preacherman Premium Member 26 days ago

    That’s just politics, Al. You know about politics don’t you, Al. You appear to live off it.

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    Godfreydaniel  26 days ago

    Traitor Trump’s crimes all happened before he announced he was running again, and the investigations into them all began before he announced. No honest, intelligent person would EVER call it “lawfare.”

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    Ontman  26 days ago

    Goodwyn tries, unsuccessfully, to make Biden a villain over and over again.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 26 days ago

    Basically, Al is saying that Biden is a failed President.

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    librarylady59  26 days ago

    President Biden has stated he will not interfere with the trial nor will he pardon Hunter. He has not whined that it’s political or a witch hunt or a hoax. He has not called for anyone to intimidate or harass anyone involved in the trial. He is a strong man unlike the psychopath who plays the victim and whines about all the perceived wrongs committed against this narcissist.

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    DrDon1  26 days ago

    Goodwyn goes far beyond ‘exaggeration’ into blatantly lying!

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    piper_gilbert  26 days ago

    “Some say?” That’s Trump speak. Pretty clear whose pocket you’re in Al.

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    GiantShetlandPony  26 days ago

    This cartoon is the actual deflection. Deflection from the fact the Republican Party has been led by a criminal, who has now been officially convicted with 34 of the felonies he’s been indicted. More so, that they are preferring to stay with a candidate that has for the first time in his long criminal life been found guilty of 34 felony indictments!

    The GOP brown noses law enforcement to encourage them to look the other way from the crimes they commit. They are now appealing to the worst of the police promising to let them run rampant in the streets abusing whomever they want with no accountability. You know, like a third world dictatorship will do.

    He complains about a prosecutor and judge that acted within the parameters of the law and honorably to secure those convictions from a jury of 12. Traitor Trump’s most damming witnesses were his own defense witnesses.

    In the meantime praising judge Aileen Cannon who is incompetent and obstructing justice for Traitor Felon Trump’s benefit by delaying justice for his allegedly, selling and sharing the USA’s most sensitive classified information on a whim and likely for profit. The evidence we have been allowed to see in that case pretty much locks up another conviction. That is unless judge Cannon abuses her position to further obstruct justice for her master.

    End the madness!

    Vote for freedom and democracy.

    Vote Democratic up and down the ticket.

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    Another Take  26 days ago

    Al has gone down the rabbit hole, drunk the Kool Aid and bought the Trump Merch. (There’s no coming back)

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    Teto85 Premium Member 26 days ago

    Al’s cartoons are all malarky

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    Ivan the Terrible   26 days ago

    Al, delivers another gut shot to the weak underbelly of the radical demented corrupt class!

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    Zuhl's Wife  26 days ago

    So why does MAGA creeps and their cartoonists hate America so much they regurgitate every conspiracy theory and pure BS on behalf of a sociopathic criminal wannabe-dictator in cahoots with our most hostile and dangerous enemies?

    They have no honor, no shame, and are immune from reality and hypocrisy.

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    casonia2  26 days ago

    It is Trump and Trumpublicans who have invented and used “lawfare” to gum up the judicial/legal system. As others have frequently pointed out, whatever Trumpublicans accuse any opposition to their march toward authoritarianism of doing is EXACTLY what the Trumpies themselves are doing.

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    braindead Premium Member 26 days ago

    MAGAts like Goodwyn cannot comprehend a president taking an action in furtherance of governing the country.

    MAGAts hate governing. They are not good at it and don’t understand the concept.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 26 days ago

    REPEAT from yesterday:

    If action needs to be taken about the border, explain why the orange menace told the Repubs to block the BIPARTISAN bill that would have addressed it along with Ukraine funding. The only explanation is to support backwards, regressive RWNJ politics to block a “win” for President Biden and the Dems rather than actually resolve the issue.

    Nixon was responsible for the HUGE number of deaths after he stopped Vietnam peace talks because he wanted to win the election and for some stupid reason people re-elect “war presidents”. Look at the treason and damage caused by Reagan interfering with President Carter’s talks with Iran and then the Reagan admin crimes of Iran-Contra.

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    David Riedel Premium Member 26 days ago


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    Nantucket Premium Member 26 days ago

    Hunter Biden NEVER worked for the government. Despite the repeated claims from Comer and Gym Jordan, their witnesses all said there was NO connection to President Biden.

    Why did the Saudis give Jared $2 BILLION? Ivanka received fast-tracked patents in China – wonder what they received in return.

    After all the “lock her up” nonsense about HRC emails (now Trump lies about his chant) we need to remind people that the entire Trump family worked in government while using private servers PLUS they used private email accounts and burner phones.

    BTW, even though I am not an IT expert, the misdirected emails for HRC are easy to explain. At my job, we used a simple command in the email program to direct the emails to a folder based on things like specific words in the SUBJECT. The sender probably did not properly add “CLASSIFIED” in the subject.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 26 days ago

    I totally regret seeing this gob of _ _ _ _ from Goodwyn.

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    zendog13la  26 days ago

    Just when you think that Al couldn’t possibly be more full of $#it, he astounds us with his capacity for stupidity and lies.

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    Grandma Lea  26 days ago

    I laugh many think trump will get probation for his conviction, maybe for the first one, but what about the remaining 33?

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    My First Premium Member 26 days ago

    Remember the t.v. show, Tales from the Crypt? It had a scary Skelton as the recurring face. Well Joe has resurrected that show. It’s now called “Tales from the Corrupt”.

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    Radish the wordsmith  26 days ago

    The criminal republican party with its lying felon leader hates the democrat party of law and order.

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    olds_cool63  26 days ago

    The WHOLE system is set to distract us that the WEALTHY have absolute control over the USA and the working class and poor don’t matter.

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    sincavage05  26 days ago

    The last 8 years have been miserable and filled with chaos and strife. The worst part is, we’re looking at another 4 years of misery, regardless of which idiot wins. Like a choice of arsenic or cyanide. I hope trump has a supply of condoms handy.

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    Rich Douglas  26 days ago

    Remember, when they’re accusing, they’re actually confessing.

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    Timothy Coyne Premium Member 26 days ago


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    The Dem Veteran   25 days ago

    Al You know Hunter was going to plead guilty but the Magats wanted a show trial.

    That’s Lawfare

    I still don’t know how the president’s son buying a gun while high absolve Trump from insurrection and Stacking classified materials in a public bathroom

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    djtenltd  25 days ago

    I still don’t get this laptop thing! Unless he was trying to sell secrets to China or North Korea which has not been said! Although I do think it’s a secret plot designed by Donald Trump and his idiotic followers to make Joe look bad and damage his reelection campaign!

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    Rich Douglas  25 days ago

    Hateful garbage.

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    FGWaiss  24 days ago

    Al, your artwork is top-notch. Too bad that your message brands you as an evil POS.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 24 days ago

    President Joe Malarky!

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