Little Miss Millie High MaintenanceShe’s all THAT and more…maintains a reputationselling “Kibble” door to door..♪♪♫Bling always on her collarwith bells and button bows…Her High Maintenance odour… every neighbor doggie knows!!♫♫♪♪Not one for chasing neighbor cats nor squirrels with their nuts,dumpster diving’s frowned uponlike sniffin’ bulldog butts..♪♪♪♫♫What Millie is real famous forI think that you’ll agree…is actually NOT “Playin’ hard to get”…but “Playin’ hard for fee”…:(I)
Little Miss Millie High MaintenanceShe’s all THAT and more…maintains a reputationselling “Kibble” door to door..♪♪♫Bling always on her collarwith bells and button bows…Her High Maintenance odour… every neighbor doggie knows!!♫♫♪♪Not one for chasing neighbor cats nor squirrels with their nuts,dumpster diving’s frowned uponlike sniffin’ bulldog butts..♪♪♪♫♫What Millie is real famous forI think that you’ll agree…is actually NOT “Playin’ hard to get”…but “Playin’ hard for fee”…:(I)