We should pause here for a moment. I’m not saying hit the reset button, not yet. Let us consider simply what is at the surface. Firstly where is Shirley, is it possible she has abandoned the wash rag for another equally as effective syndrome? And if so, how did Ted’s project reach this stage? Secondly, but certainly not secondary; the Landscape Committee will never approve of this obvious over reach of one of its most faithful members. Ted what were you thinking. Its not Christmas, did you really believe you would receive a wavier for above ground extension cords? The lighting is a nice touch, however clearly not necessary and a hazard to the public safety. It’s always easy to be critical and in your case what a huge target. Actually Ted, the more I think about it, the more I realize I owe you a round of applause. You have reached a position where there is absolutely no common ground. That’s right Ted, even the king crazies aren’t laughing, no one knows what’s next, cause no one knows how you got here.
We should pause here for a moment. I’m not saying hit the reset button, not yet. Let us consider simply what is at the surface. Firstly where is Shirley, is it possible she has abandoned the wash rag for another equally as effective syndrome? And if so, how did Ted’s project reach this stage? Secondly, but certainly not secondary; the Landscape Committee will never approve of this obvious over reach of one of its most faithful members. Ted what were you thinking. Its not Christmas, did you really believe you would receive a wavier for above ground extension cords? The lighting is a nice touch, however clearly not necessary and a hazard to the public safety. It’s always easy to be critical and in your case what a huge target. Actually Ted, the more I think about it, the more I realize I owe you a round of applause. You have reached a position where there is absolutely no common ground. That’s right Ted, even the king crazies aren’t laughing, no one knows what’s next, cause no one knows how you got here.