Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 06, 2016
Lupin: Delicious smells are coming in from the kitchen. Elvis? Elvis: Thanks, Lupin. Elvis here, overseeing all of the feast preparations in the kitchen. I am vital to this process. Woman: Elvis, get down. Puck: Puck here standing by in case any taste testing is needed. Ooh... that looks scrumptious . That looks good too. Man: C'mon Puck, off the table. Puck: But I was born for this! Lupin: This just in: A city is being attacked by giant animals on tv! Elvis: The feast centers around an enormous chickadee- Woman: ELVIS GET OFF THE STOVE! Lupin: Now the city is being attacked by a bunch of Broadway performers. I don't understand this invasion. Puck: What is this delicacy? Elvis: All because one brave cat stood by the kitchen. Puck: This just in: The people gave us turkey! Lupin: Reports confirm, it's delicious! Elvis: It was nothing, really.
What a brave boy you are, Elvis. Putting your personal safety aside to protect the giant Chickadee.