Today is their 14th approximate Birthday. We’ve been together for all but about 4 weeks of that time. Two good girls are getting Birthday Bonus treats today.
Wonder what Goldie’s doing to/for/at/with the toaster? Unless she’s curled up asleep next to its warmth, some mischief may pop up. Ya gotta watch out for silent cats and kids — silence often portends mischief.
I have a visual of them all milling about, underfoot, and meowing for attention. Nothing would ever get done because I would just sit on the couch all day and pet cats.
Once again, I have broken the 1st rule of reading BCN, comics…no coffee or food in your mouth, while reading this comic. This time it was oatmeal…the horror…the hooorrrooor…
No sign of Goldie today. She must be off on an investigation, or writing up her notes on the Toaster Tell-All. She doesn’t ever want to take up more space in the house, because she remembers having nothing but space, when she was outdoors, abandoned, and homeless.
Valium, valium is the answer. For the mothers in the 50’s it worked wonders, especially when they figured out that if they gave it to the kids instead of taking it themselves then the mothers could drink wine and still have peace and quiet.
We just got over a month long ant invasion that required placing baits indoors. We put them under shoeboxes and, amazingly, the cat left them alone. She actually helped. She let us know every time she saw an ant.
I have to say I’m always really attracted to the floral blankets in BCN… Georgia makes them so beautiful and comforting -surely not something that is easy to do in a tiny comic strip square. Their coloring and detail are very reminiscent of Matisse AND set such a nice tone of peace and leisure. Thanks for the extra attention to add these kinds of beautiful details! <3
I found this in my August 29, 1999 journal. Jasper was a little over a year old at the time:
Jasper batted a ripe tomato off the counter where it splatted all over the floor while I was outside grilling a steak. It’s my own fault. I knew when I put those tomatoes on the counter that he was going to think they were new toys. Naturally, it was the best tomato out of the bunch that my neighbor gave me.
uncle snipe 4 months ago
Le'letha Premium Member 4 months ago
OK, hold up. There are many good questions here, and we should ask them, but before all else we need to start with:
Why does this household have an ant farm?
Has the Woman once again forgotten she has cats?
Brian Premium Member 4 months ago
A statue of OZ will be erected by the Ants. “Our Savior”.
Ricky Bennett 4 months ago
Lupin doesn’t know how serious it was that he dropped the vase because the gravity of the situation escaped him.
azkfwecho Premium Member 4 months ago
And yet, Elvis is still being a baby! Quit being a grump, Elvis.
uncle snipe 4 months ago
Today is their 14th approximate Birthday. We’ve been together for all but about 4 weeks of that time. Two good girls are getting Birthday Bonus treats today.
Maizing 4 months ago
My Sooti has been channeling her inner Elvis these last few days. She’s demanded that I hold her a lot more often than she usually does.
Unlike Elvis, Sooti doesn’t have much competition. Sunny shows little interest in cuddling on my lap.
BarbaraKrooss 4 months ago
Wonder what Goldie’s doing to/for/at/with the toaster? Unless she’s curled up asleep next to its warmth, some mischief may pop up. Ya gotta watch out for silent cats and kids — silence often portends mischief.
Pucky 4 months ago
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 4 months ago
I have a visual of them all milling about, underfoot, and meowing for attention. Nothing would ever get done because I would just sit on the couch all day and pet cats.
FreyjaRN Premium Member 4 months ago
OZ is four paws of mischief.
dmah Premium Member 4 months ago
Love the line in the last panel, but it sure looks like Elvis is right in the middle of chaos sandwich.
howtheduck 4 months ago
Cats behaving badly. Oh wait. Cats behaving like cats.
Robin Harwood 4 months ago
Lupin doesn’t know anything about the vase. Lupin didn’t do anything with the vase. It was like that when he got there. You can’t prove anything.
WelshRat Premium Member 4 months ago
Iggy is lovely and demands nothing. Others could take notes. (As Goldie probably has done.)
Lady Bri 4 months ago
Trouble is definitely in Ora Zella’s category of “Cats Who Take Up More Space.” (ミゝᆽ╹ミ)
Today has been a supremely bad and disappointing day, but reading BCN and watching Bump’s adorable kittens on Tiny Kittens really lifts my spirits. ❤️
Jacob Mattingly 4 months ago
Lupin has lost the high ground. Balance is restored. The vase sadly cannot be restored
artchick530 4 months ago
I was waiting for OZ to break out in song: “Who let the ants out? Who, who, who, who, who?”
cat19632001 4 months ago
Lupin toe beans! Squeee.
I AM CARTOON LADY! 4 months ago
Once again, I have broken the 1st rule of reading BCN, comics…no coffee or food in your mouth, while reading this comic. This time it was oatmeal…the horror…the hooorrrooor…
win.45mag 4 months ago
Someone wants uppies ! Look at all them squish beans !!!
Dkram 4 months ago
We have two cats. The girl is Patches, she’s black and white and like Iggy she has an pirate patch over her left eye.
Our boy is Ghost and like Lupin is pure white and full of it.
I’m happy to live in a house with cats.
SheMc 4 months ago
Oh no!!! not the ant farm!!!
Kitty Katz 4 months ago
Meanwhile, Back on the Nile
At the Kat Kiosk
Iggy: Always have time for an ice cream treat.
Ziggy: And it looks like we aren’t the only ones with that idea.
Line of Ants: Oh when the ants, come marching in
Oh when the ants come marching in
We all need a bit of ice cream
So the ants are marching in!
Puckmosis: It’s an honor to see you, Your Majesty.
Queen Anante: My subjects work hard. It’s only fitting they receive a well-deserved treat.
Puck: What is their favorite flavor?
Queen Anante: You might think it would be hard to find a flavor all like, but my workers are all of like mind. Proprietor Khay, we’ll have he usual.
Khay: Several honey cream sundaes coming up.
Queen Anante: We like to support our insect colleagues, like the Xanadu bees. Alright workers, Hit it!
Worker Ants: The ants eat ice cream one by one,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants eat ice cream one by one
Hurrah! Hurrah!…
Tiberius and Friends 4 months ago
Wait… there are 5 cats here- who’s the sixth?
rs0204 Premium Member 4 months ago
It’s a rogue’s gallery of naughty behavior.
MoeyTehr 4 months ago
cat19632001 4 months ago
♥ Sweet Sleeping Iggy ♥
cat19632001 4 months ago
So … panel four. Which emergency is the Woman going to respond to first?
Katzen1415 4 months ago
They certainly have a variety of personalities amongst the cats. Glad to see Iggy is still getting attention in spite of his chaotic compatriots.
bonita.eley 4 months ago
Free the ants??? Our freedom fighter/rebel kitty is on a mission
DorseyBelle 4 months ago
No sign of Goldie today. She must be off on an investigation, or writing up her notes on the Toaster Tell-All. She doesn’t ever want to take up more space in the house, because she remembers having nothing but space, when she was outdoors, abandoned, and homeless.
face.less_b 4 months ago
lpayne.1632 Premium Member 4 months ago
I’m afraid The Woman’s quiet time with Iggy is coming to an end. . . is it time for the Children to become pirates again?
besuper 4 months ago
Happy Birthday, Sara and Gracie! I hope you have many more happy and healthy birthdays. You all are fortunate to have each other!
anomalous4 4 months ago
OT: This ‘n’ that…
One Serious Cat 4 months ago
Other cats? Who could that be? hmmmmmm…….
Daltongang Premium Member 4 months ago
Ah yes, to have those good old days back.
Valium, valium is the answer. For the mothers in the 50’s it worked wonders, especially when they figured out that if they gave it to the kids instead of taking it themselves then the mothers could drink wine and still have peace and quiet.
If it works on kids, it will work on cats.
MoultonFamily 4 months ago
“I set the ant farm free!” I’m hoping they weren’t the kind of ant that was bitety.
Solarbear Premium Member 4 months ago
I love Iggy! Just had to say it. ♥️
Felicity-the-cat 4 months ago
Iggy takes up less emotional space as well as physical. He would be a good companion when the Woman is feeling frazzled.
metagalaxy1970 4 months ago
Uh oh! It’ll be a bit itchy for a while.
Red Bird 4 months ago
Aww, he looks so peaceful and content. Sweet dreams to you, Iggy!
daleandkristen 4 months ago
So kiss-ably sweet (Iggy) and outrageously funny (Ora Zella) and demandingly grumpy (Elvis). My arms are spread wide to HUG you all.
willie_mctell 4 months ago
We just got over a month long ant invasion that required placing baits indoors. We put them under shoeboxes and, amazingly, the cat left them alone. She actually helped. She let us know every time she saw an ant.
KD2 4 months ago
I have to say I’m always really attracted to the floral blankets in BCN… Georgia makes them so beautiful and comforting -surely not something that is easy to do in a tiny comic strip square. Their coloring and detail are very reminiscent of Matisse AND set such a nice tone of peace and leisure. Thanks for the extra attention to add these kinds of beautiful details! <3
MoultonFamily 4 months ago
“I don’t know a THING about the vase in the dining room,” every cat when they are right next to the “crime scene.”
Fennec! at the Disco 4 months ago
No, OZ, no!!!
Fennec! at the Disco 4 months ago
By the way, I read Ora Zella’s line to the tune of the theme from “Rocky & Bullwinkle.”
Sue Ellen 4 months ago
OT sort of
I found this in my August 29, 1999 journal. Jasper was a little over a year old at the time:
Jasper batted a ripe tomato off the counter where it splatted all over the floor while I was outside grilling a steak. It’s my own fault. I knew when I put those tomatoes on the counter that he was going to think they were new toys. Naturally, it was the best tomato out of the bunch that my neighbor gave me.
Spudallicious 4 months ago
That description of Iggy is just about the perfect description for me too. I also like it when I’m overlooked. (I hate the limelight)