Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 23, 2009
Mark: Obama's Nobel appearance was the most cynical since Kissinger took time out from bombing Cambodia! Like his moonwalk Afghan war strategy, the President's peace-through-war speech tried to have it both ways! It's like the Obama Doctrine has become one big tribute to Leon Festinger! Aid: Who the hell is... Obama: The father of cognitive dissonance. He's right.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
doesn’t everyone? i seem to remember at least three different dial positions for NPR stations when i visited DC in May.
Steve Bartholomew about 15 years ago
Just thought of a new bumper sticker: “Practice cognitive dissonance.”
realman about 15 years ago
After glancing at the comments over the last couple of days…Doesn’t anyone else think Trudeau is also criticizing the too-many members of the left wing who can’t handle the cognitive dissonance of every day modern life?
Basqueian about 15 years ago
What other president in recent memory would actually know that? Heh, Trudeau is just letting us know that there are more fanatics on the left than we like to admit. And NPR has had a few well balanced criticisms of the new guy. Even on Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me, last weekend.
Takiniteasy about 15 years ago
… thought I was seeing double there for a minute …
hastynote Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hope “Leon” is present at the House/Senate Health Care reconciliation meetings.
bradwilliams about 15 years ago
Wait, wait is basically a commedy show. Everyone is always fair game.
Potrzebie about 15 years ago
Lately APHC has been awful. GK is not penning political jokes anymore. Maybe he will pick up the pace.
ChiehHsia about 15 years ago
The best way to handle cognitive dissonance is to ignore it entirely, and go through life creating one’s own reality. Otherwise one will just get frustrated and grouchy.
mwthurlow about 15 years ago
Its one of the aids saying “Who the hell is…” and the prez answering. So Trudeau is having it both ways a little bit by saying that even though this president’s Afgan policy is wrong, he’s smart enough to know who Festinger is, and to know that Mark is right.
babka Premium Member about 15 years ago
child of divorce.
puddleglum1066 about 15 years ago
No question Obama’s smart. Probably the smartest president since Nixon… whose war policies he seems to be following to the letter. Expect the “surge” to be followed by expensive, high-profile programs to build up the Afghan military (“Afghanization”?), followed by a withdrawal (“the Afghans stand up as we stand down”), followed by a “decent interval” before the puppet government’s inevitable collapse (“wasn’t our fault”). Nobel Prizes for everybody!
ottod Premium Member about 15 years ago
He’s certainly the smartest since Bill Clinton.
skweetis2u about 15 years ago
OMG - i just wiki’d “cognitive dissonance” and the definition and explanations sounded Exactly like a fair and accurate description of what went so horribly Wrong with the Bush presidency - now there’s the “Joke”
DianeGall about 15 years ago
I am either wonderful at denial or am just goofy, but I do not see anything ‘dissonant’ about what Obama said in the campaign and what he is doing now.
I see no more dissonance in recognising that to have peace we must sometimes have war than recognising that to have a safe society we must sometimes arrest and incarcerate people.
Maybe I am simply naive.Or I listened to what Obama actually said.
RhodeKille Premium Member about 15 years ago
@mwthurlow - I believe you got that exactly backwards.
iamthelorax about 15 years ago
It seems like people are having a hard time comprehending that Trudeau would have a complaint against Obama. I don’t see any double-meanings here, he is complaining about Obama. It happens people. If he didn’t want to be complained about, he should have stayed on the picket line and voted “present” where you can never go wrong.
iamthelorax about 15 years ago
On a side note, Why are we still getting a highlight for spelling error when you write Obama? Why in God’s name does it think I meant to write Obadiah? Who writes Obadiah?
billdi Premium Member about 15 years ago
thanks diane
there’s nothing cognitively dissonant about the short attention span and the impatience of the American psyche. it’s incredibly consistent.
vhammon about 15 years ago
Excellent easy-read book on the importance of understanding our brain’s inclinations with regard to cognitive dissonance and the outcomes:
Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me); Why We Justify Follish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts by Tavris & Aronson (2007)
It takes great personal strength and courage to override our brain’s auto-denial and strive to understand where and how we made mistakes. Yet, it’s the only sure way to avoid making the same mistakes again.
PappyFiddle about 15 years ago
I don’t understand why they give him a Nobel. Is it just a prize that they give out to famous people? I’da thought the peace prize would go to someone who did something to cause peace. Maybe to the person who did the most to cause peace. ?
Durak Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m predicting an Obama avatar! Finally. I think Doonesbury finally has enough on this guy to make one. How about a tarnished Nobel prize as an avatar? Or a rifle with a daisy in it? Or a worthless, watered down health care bill which only protects the insurance and medical industries?
kat827618 about 15 years ago
Cognitive dissonance is right.