Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 10, 2013
Window: When you think about it, Isaac Newton didn't discover gravity. Caulfield: Gravity was there all along. Newton just figured out the obvious place to look for it. Mr. Spaetzle: Are you going to help me or just ponder things? Caulfield: I am helping! Frazz: Helping with what? Caulfield: Mr. Spaetzle can't find his glasses.
The Old Wolf almost 12 years ago
That’s not funny, Jef. (At least, not when it happens to me.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
At least Mr. Spaetzle is ahead of the game.
Bird… I wish I could tell you I’ve never done that…but I can’t.And they’re not “readers,” either. They’re very strong prescription glasses, without which I’m half blind….Yet more than once, I’ve started to search frantically for them, only to suddenly realise…"But wait…. I can see…. "
ellisaana Premium Member almost 12 years ago
OK, I wear bifocals, and have a pair of bifocal sunglasses which I sometimes try to put on without taking my other glasses off.
TheSkulker almost 12 years ago
Now if adults would REALLY listen to children…
Especially to Caulfield as he is well known to say things that require you think!T_Lexi almost 12 years ago
Mr. Spaetzle’s just not seeing Caulfield as helpful right now…
Kroykali almost 12 years ago
Don’t interupt Frazz. He looks like he’s on a very important mission.
Katiekicks almost 12 years ago
I forgot to remove my contacts one night. The next morning I woke up and went, “Something’s wrong….I can see!” My eyes didn’t even hurt until after I took them out.
ted.hering almost 12 years ago
Interesting use of color.
RonaldDavis almost 12 years ago
According to the course I took in philosophy of science, gravity is a concept that happpens to work well in explaining some phenomena. Therefore, it is an invention rather than a discovery.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
They’re on top of his head.
xpurplezebra almost 12 years ago
hippogriff almost 12 years ago
Ewaldoh: Pangia? Eurafrasia (before the Suez canal cut Africa off)?
emjaycee almost 12 years ago
Got to work one rainy morning, took off my glasses so they would not get wet and put them in my purse before I ran through the parking lot. Got inside, puttered around for a bit at the desk and realized I needed my glasses. Checked the purse, Not there. Emptied the purse totally, not there. Worked from 7 am til about 1:30, apologizing to everyone about my need to squint, hold papers at arms’ lengths, put my nose on the monitor, anything just so I could read and complete all my sales. Complained to my boss about possibly losing them in the parking lot, all lonely and irretrievably scratched to heck. My boss (female), knowing my quirks asked if I checked my other hiding place. Nearly said a not nice word when I realized I had tucked them inside my button-down blouse under my work blazer so they would not get wet. Major “D’OH” moment at work I still cannot live down (some of my co-workers type with their face an inch from the monitor whenever I walk by). I do have a sense of humor. Really.
annieb1012 almost 12 years ago
@emjaycee Ha! That is the best one I’ve heard yet. Sounds as if not only do you have a sense of humor, but your coworkers do, too.
lynnskay almost 12 years ago
I’ll take a wild guess and say Australia. lol