Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 04, 2013
Cricket: So what do you think this is all about? Zipper: My guess is Walden's turning for-profit... and that President King is about to announce a big payout to existing stakeholders! Cricket: Existing stakeholders? Does that include us? Zipper: Has to! As enrolled students, we'd be grandmothered in! Cricket: I'm not familiar with that term. Zipper: It means we'll be taken care of!
pawpawbear almost 12 years ago
I think these guys are deluded. Most of the for profit schools charge high rates for matriculation and then have students telecommute from home. I have yet to see a scholarship offer from the University of Phoenix. Anyone else?
jnik23260 almost 12 years ago
Could this mean – Zipper will have to GO OUT AND MAKE IT ON HIS OWN??? I can hardly wait!!
Alabama Al almost 12 years ago
I guess I really was born in time. Tuition and other fees at my Alma Mata has more than quadrupled since I graduated about 30 years ago. Zipper and his bud are about to get very unpleasantly surprised.
roctor almost 12 years ago
50K for lousey certificate of completion?
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Of course, being grandfathered in we have all heard about. Therefore, it is far more fun to talk about being grandmothered in, and “taken care of.”
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
don’t for-profit schools have bad graduation rates, leave students with huge debt, their credits are non-transferable, and their degrees are useless.
gaebie almost 12 years ago
“…@Alabama_AlDid you go to UA B’ham, Tuscaloosa, or the REAL University of Alabama in AUBURN”.He went to the one that gives football scholarships to 8th graders.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Oh, they expect results at my level; CEO’s, not so much.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
Boy, those people at Fox are lazy.
rmacprivate almost 12 years ago
Thanks for correcting me. I’m lucky if I remember what I have for breakfast
annieb1012 almost 12 years ago
@Newshound41 >>> The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy Fox….
cassanneydra almost 12 years ago
that’s the point of the strip. zipper is always misusing language
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
“We’ll be taken care of” = when you graduate, Zip = when pigs fly.