Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 09, 2013

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    Badeyes  over 11 years ago

    I think those anti-social networks get news around faster.

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    bugaboo27  over 11 years ago

    I knew this strip took place in Michigan, but for some reason I always assumed it was further east – closer to Detroit. It’s weird, but it makes me happy knowing it’s closer to my part of the state! :)

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  3. Dscn0048
    burly666  over 11 years ago

    Rodney, MI was just down the road from there two weeks ago. Guess I might make it to the mug sale when is it?

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  4. Dave red01
    Dave459  over 11 years ago

    Just send it in a coded email and every government department will know, followed closely by Fox News . . .

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  5. Santa refueling
    Sportymonk  over 11 years ago

    What happens when Mrs. Olsen doesn’t want to sell all the memories?

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    Mstreselena  over 11 years ago

    Why do I get the feeling that as she looks at each mug Mrs. O. will remember every child, NO mugs will be sold,

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  7. Ico wile coyote
    Kerovan  over 11 years ago

    The only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of rumor. Sir Winston Churchill once said “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”

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    androscoggin  over 11 years ago

    If only they could be sold more quietly – much more quietly. I’m not in favor of keeping everything, but a lot of people/kids could be hurt when they learn she’s selling their gifts.

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    scsurfer  over 11 years ago

    @dave M hey that’s a great nickname for Fox News: the gossip network!

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  10. Kovacs
    Rush Strong Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Frazz works all summer – maintenance, etc. When do you think he paints the murals in the cafeteria?

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  11. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Who do you think did the marquee letters?

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