I went to an auto parts store that had hundreds of pictures of parts on a huge counter top. I saw what I needed, but I didn’t know the name. “I’ll take one of these.”
That gives one confidence in his mechanic, doesn’t it. Actually, it’s up to the man at the parts counter to identify the part and supply the correct replacement. Then the mechanic puts it on the car and hopes it’s the only way it will fit.
watmiwori over 11 years ago
You always need a new one — but how’s Zhlubbo gonna order it if he dunno what it is?
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Mechanic: “I guess I auto find out then, huh?”….
naturally_easy over 11 years ago
Yup….looks like your fanotten rod bent a fanable pin!
watmiwori over 11 years ago
Here it is —
Part #59QX131313-7hw-vBLz — veeblefeltzer for a ‘59 Snark..It sez they don’t make ’em any more.
J Short over 11 years ago
I went to an auto parts store that had hundreds of pictures of parts on a huge counter top. I saw what I needed, but I didn’t know the name. “I’ll take one of these.”
rshive over 11 years ago
Or it needs adjusting……or something.
jack fairbanks over 11 years ago
the kinoculator valve has impacted the canifflin pin
rockngolfer over 11 years ago
My surprise was opening the packages of my Costco windshield wiper blades. Not like anything I had ever seen before.
Linguist over 11 years ago
Depending on what size the new boat is, the mechanic will adjust his bill, accordingly.
georgelcsmith over 11 years ago
That gives one confidence in his mechanic, doesn’t it. Actually, it’s up to the man at the parts counter to identify the part and supply the correct replacement. Then the mechanic puts it on the car and hopes it’s the only way it will fit.