Mr. Fogarty: "...And our focus this semester is the study of ancient cultural and political systems"
Mr. Fogarty: "As seniors, you are expected to write three essays and three research papers"
Luann: "I think I have senioritis already..."
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Senior Citizens” – “In With the Old, Out With the New” – “Ancient Mystery”
oldcomicsfan over 11 years ago
One Question: Where’s Quill?
sarafaye over 11 years ago
This should be a fun year for me, with the kids being the same age, for the moment, as my oldest son.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Wow. Looks like You’re Gonna NEED Help, Lu.
Time to “Suck-Up” to Your Old Pal Gunth,
barbarasbrute over 11 years ago
Dick CHENEY did too.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
The Mystery Channel… “Tune in this week to see why the once great empire of Lemming was doomed to fail, and next week’s cliffhanger”… – Spartain Chariot Rental… “Our vehicles come equipped with an unmatched 5 horsepower.. You wont need any other luxuries, and you’ll enjoy our modest fees” – and by:Roman Pizza… “Own a franchise and see why Roman Pizza is taking over… and now with 1400 locations all over… and in the food court in a coliseum near you”
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Doesn’t it seem like the strip has the flavour of the 1985-1995 Luann strip, the last few days?
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Speaking of chariot races, years ago in Troy, Achilles pulled up next to Hector and said, “You wanna drag?”^I recognize that scene! It’s from “Greece”, the musical, right?…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Shopping List for Hungary people: cooking GreeceRoman LettuceTurkey Chilé
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Perhaps they’ll have to write a 500 word essay on why it’s now “Istanbul, and not Constantinople”….– Or why they think " Iran Is So Far Away "…..
jemgirl81 over 11 years ago
When I was a senior in Los Angeles, CA I studied government and economics. World Civilization was 10th grade curriculum.
Make Mine Marvel over 11 years ago
This just in from Les Barker:
“I went to the lemming reunionBut I was the only one thereI went to the lemming reunionOne lemming, five million chairs”
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Spoiler alert: it was all because of some “dumb” girl…. named Helen!…
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
Actually, Helen of Troy had NOTHING to do with the whole scenario at all. He initial cheating on her husband was caused by Aphrodite, and that can’t bet blamed on her. That her husband tried to get her back was only natural. But the Trojan War was REALLY caused by Eris, Goddess of Discord, who threw the apple ‘for the fairest’ into Olympus. Paris had to judge, picked Aphrodite…and Troy was in that moment screwed.
znhoja over 11 years ago
How will Quill pay in to this?
znhoja over 11 years ago
Will Luann ever Graduate??
kenhense over 11 years ago
Luann & Tiffany & Knute can work together on these projects
ShagsCA over 11 years ago
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Don’t be such a mope, Luann. Maybe Oz will finally show up for Senior Year! And Ancient Cultures should be a fun topic!Just imagine, Indiana DeGroot!
prasrinivara over 11 years ago
Fogarty, you’ve shown yourself unfit to teach the subject — lack of knowledge (Byzantine was simply later version OF Roman)! Of course, I guess that’s why you assigned three papers and three essays each — you thought it hides that!
curmudgeon68 over 11 years ago
What do Donny’s comments ever have to do with reality?
weblais over 11 years ago
Note the girls’ body language. Only one is prepared for the challenge; one is willing to try; and Our Heroine is overwhelmed—again.
Endunamoo over 11 years ago
So how is it that the same teachers keep teaching them every year? Sure isn’t how it works in Real Life. not that I would expect that in a cartoon strip.. but still.. This guy? Every year? Hasn’t this guy been the teacher 5 or 6 years running?
aatkins over 11 years ago
Im a senior in college and even my Capstone English class doesn’t require this much writing!
sbchamp over 11 years ago
The ’60s
jimmeh over 11 years ago
Wow, thats a lot of school work. Must be a private school.
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
I’m surprised they’re even teaching this in senior year. We got this as freshman (Ancient Civilizations), and sophomores (Modern Eur. History – Renaissance onward) . Junior year was AP US History. Senior year we had no history course. In fact, seniors were allowed to reduce their schedule by one major course to allow time to prep for and go on college interviews,etc
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
From left to right: next fall’s freshman class at U.C. San Diego, Stanford, and Pitt Community College. (They have a world-famous drama department, I’m told.)
Simon_Jester over 11 years ago
Greek — Mob RulePersian — TheocracyRoman — Ineffecient bereaucracy replaced by an autocracy.Byzantine — Autocracy replaced by a theocracy
There, done
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Though that seems to be usually the case, it actually was a subject discussed by many, yesterday… he’s….. continuing… an already concluded subject….
jonnijones over 11 years ago
:) ain’t it ironic
imbaldeagle over 11 years ago
Tiffany is:1) still trying to find her books, papers & pencils somewhere in those 3 lockers,2) returned home to get the school stuff that she forgot,3) is not scheduled for this class since it doesn’t pertain to her,4) is in the restroom filing her nails and checking her hair,5) having Crystal take the course for her in night school.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Ya WANT Protection? Forget Firearms.
Just keep a boiling hot Pot ’O COFFEE by the bedside. If an Intruder breaks in, just SPLASH a little HOT Joe in their Face!
……Then STOMP the Livin’ DAYLIGHTS Out of ’Em!!
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
“Not shown, Knute asleep at the back of the class.”--and Gunther and Rosa making out.
Willow Mt Lyon over 11 years ago
We took civics our senior year and ancient history as freshman.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Yes, Luann, your high school report card may show a straight-C average, but you will get by just fine in life on the basis of your much-praised “inner beauty”. While Delta and Bernice are working on their history essays and research papers, you can instead just practice saying “Welcome to Weenie World!”
Dragoncat over 11 years ago
C’mon, Luann… Focus!Let this year be the year you become an “A” Student.You tried it once before, remember?
cwizard71 over 11 years ago
With all the characters being updated from the older strips, it kind of surprises me that Fogarty still lokks exactly the same.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I think your post about a drag race got deleted, along with a couple of other people’s posts….. looks pretty strange, the selections for zapping…
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
When I was in college, I agreed with the idea that the ‘well rounded education’ teaches stuff you can’t use. Now that I’m a lot older, I realize why ancient history is important — if politicians don’t learn it, they end up repeating it. In 2013, we are heading for PAX USA — shades of PAX ROMANA….
Lamberger over 11 years ago
I once had a McDonald’s employee, who had just given me restroom directions, ask, “Would you like fries with that?”
sarafaye over 11 years ago
Most of the people I have had want their checks filled out for them have been old people who can barely hold a pen because of pain in their hands.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
We had a couple of shots at basic financial education when I was in school. In Home Ec they taught budgeting and banking, and half of our senior year social studies class was devoted to investing. While I’m glad the social studies thing was required to graduate, I really think the home ec stuff should have been too.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
Job hunting skills were also covered in home ec. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced the school was negligent in not requiring that class. Most boys back then still refused to take it.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
The skills you are looking for are very important, but they are not the only things that are important. Classes that seem trivial also teach us things like research, communication, stress handling. These are more important than exactly which year Washington crossed the Delaware. <>Not to say a bit of trivia knowledge never comes in handy. ;)
GreatLakesGirl over 11 years ago
And that is relevent to this comic strip in what way?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
Sara“I’ve heard the same about modern gods.”-Not much you haven’t. -Usually such actions are blamed on socio-economic status, single parent families, pay inequities, the Devil, youth, hormones, Obamacare, lack of Obamacare, Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertarians, “the voices in my head”.-Thankfully usually a single person doesn’t blame all of the above.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Sweden Sour Pork…^Ha ha!…
ChrisV over 11 years ago
That’s a lot of work for one class. I don’t remember having to to that much for a college class.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
“Been off your Meds again?”
Uhhhh, No. WHY do You ask?
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 11 years ago
I love the smell of school in the morning.
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
Shopping List for Hungary people:
cooking Greece
Roman Lettuce
Sweden Sour Pork…-Served on fine China
This reminds me of the classic children’s joke about the waiter that drops the serving platter…
“Turkey fell on Greece and broke China!”
JayBluE over 11 years ago
What you quoted as being from me was not.. that was someone else’s statement… What I was saying to address it afterward, though, is also similar to what you are saying….
krisl73 over 11 years ago
Are you sure there are almost zero gun deaths in England?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
When did our beloved DW last touch reality?Or first, for that matter?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
See? Byzantine WAS culturally different enough to study separately
Attila The Voice! over 11 years ago
MR. FOGARTY!!!! ALRIGHT, one of my favourite characters have returned :D