Science!(It’s thought that exposure to parasites may be required to correctly “calibrate” the immune response. This would reduce the allergies and autoimmune diseases suffered in modern first-world societies.)
Hookworm therapy works for Crohn’s, asthma, psoriasis, arthritis and many autoimmune issues. My cousin taped one on his arm a few months ago and hasn’t had an asthma attack since. He has a dry cough, but that’s it as far as side effects.
Randy B Premium Member about 11 years ago
Science!(It’s thought that exposure to parasites may be required to correctly “calibrate” the immune response. This would reduce the allergies and autoimmune diseases suffered in modern first-world societies.)
Randy B Premium Member about 11 years ago
It may be possible to alter adults’ allergies with a hookworm infection.
bignatefan about 11 years ago
That’s probably the first time in history that the word “trichuris” has been used in a comic. As a matter of fact, my spell checker rejected it.
yousir about 11 years ago
Try Mikey. He likes it. Hey Mikey.
celeconecca about 11 years ago
Try Mikey’s 3rd cousin twice removed – he’s a real boar.
Dickfitz2 about 11 years ago
Hookworm therapy works for Crohn’s, asthma, psoriasis, arthritis and many autoimmune issues. My cousin taped one on his arm a few months ago and hasn’t had an asthma attack since. He has a dry cough, but that’s it as far as side effects.