Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 13, 2014

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    BE THIS GUY  over 10 years ago

    Isn’t a reporter suppose to have sixth sense?

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    chasches  over 10 years ago

    I have this strange feeling that it will all work out okay for these two.

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    38lowell  over 10 years ago

    This fool has NO SENSE!

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    SKJAM! Premium Member over 10 years ago

    The fact that he didn’t immediately assume “She is eating food with me, therefore she must want to have sex” is actually encouraging.

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    Marian Owens Premium Member over 10 years ago

    OK Seagull, if it was marginal and then got boring, why are you still reading it?

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    montessoriteacher  over 10 years ago

    Another great entertainer was lost yesterday, Lauren Bacall. RIP.

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    Gokie5  over 10 years ago

    Well, that was awkward.

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  8. Caddy
    StCleve72  over 10 years ago

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and often people don’t see things the same way.This is probably the key to people getting along in this world. This strip is not objectively great or tedious and boring, but only how any of us reading it see and experience it. The same with all music, art, writing, etc. A bigger problem occurs when some people want to have an opinion regarding facts, as in: “in my opinion there is no such thing as gravity and to prove it I’m going to jump from this 10 story window. You’ll see.”

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  9. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 10 years ago

    How these two ended up creating Jeff is one of the mysteries of DNA………..

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    KEStuck  over 10 years ago

    Night-Gaunt, they’re both dead. I’d consider that similar.

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  11. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 10 years ago

    James Garner, Robin Williams, and Lauren Bacall. All of them died recently and all were greats in the entertainment world. They say the grim reaper visits those admired in the public eye in threes. It would be nice to think that could be true. I would never dream of comparing them in terms of the way they died.

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    barister  over 10 years ago

    This will take some time.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 10 years ago

    NightG, ISN’T clinical depression a natural cause ?

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