Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 21, 2015
Pig: What are you watching, Rat? Rat: These insecure people with various addictions being reassured that they're okay and that their lives have value. Pig: What's it called? Rat: The academy awards. Pig: At least they're pretty. Rat: They clean up nicely.
Sherlock Watson almost 10 years ago
Ah yes, the Annual Hollywood Self-Congratulation Ceremony, where the people who give us garbage give each other trophies for it.:I’ll be catching up on my reading.
Arianne almost 10 years ago
♪♫♪ My bologna has a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R… (’Cause AMPAS members have a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A.)
Pocosdad almost 10 years ago
“Uma…Oprah. Oprah..Uma.”
juicebruce almost 10 years ago
Pastis nailed it with this one :-O
Mugens Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I notice quite a few snide remarks about Hollywood, the people who work there, and their annual output. Makes you wonder how they are able to stay in business if so many well adjusted rational people have a hate on for them. Just like anything else in life, you have some good ones (movies, actors), you have some bad ones. It all balances out in the long run. I for one refuse to get on my high horse and speak ill of something that is so very easy for me to totally ignore, and I do more times than not.
Sandfan almost 10 years ago
If you think the show hasn’t been worth watching since Bob Hope stopped hosting it, raise your hand.
doublepaw almost 10 years ago
Well said Mugens. I never watched the show when Bob Hope hosted it, the most arrogant and lofty actor ever. People used to laugh sometimes because he was alleged to be funny.
AtariDragon almost 10 years ago
@mugens — The TV show “Mountain Monsters” keeps getting renewed. I don’t understand that, either, but I suspect that the two mysteries are related.
puddlesplatt almost 10 years ago
David Nivens and the naked runner, with a no attention getter.
Terr Bear Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Wow Stephan! Way to call it! Brilliant strip!
Vonne Anton almost 10 years ago
Did you see that news report that Steven Spielberg gets “thanked” at the Oscars more than God? Cracked me up!
RACerri32 almost 10 years ago
Well, I guess the PBS movie won’t be happening, again!
joegee almost 10 years ago
I’ve never watched in my 56 years but obviously am very aware. You can’t avoid it. It’s always amazed me that the “winners” are usually the “critically acclaimed” (read politically correct-hot button) movies and not the movies that the world actually went to see and spent our money on. Movie critics are just like art critics…and no; hollywood doesn’t produce art. They produce entertainment.
AliCom almost 10 years ago
That little rat’s pretty smart.
smoore47 almost 10 years ago
And my plastic surgeon.
garcoa almost 10 years ago
But rat is watching it, despite his understanding of their zero value.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member almost 10 years ago
OK, Pastis. You’re forgiven.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
I will cheerily watch a Man from U.N.C.L.E. rerun Sunday night, followed by a newscast. The Oscars are boring, pretentious, inside-Hollywood politics, made solely to please Hollywood and the deluded few who still believe in the Magic and want to be told what is “good” in disregard of their own opinions….
Plumbob Wilson almost 10 years ago
Pastis & Rat have pretty much nailed it.
Guilty Bystander almost 10 years ago
Getting kudos for pretending to be someone you’re not? Actors call it the Academy Awards, politicians call it Elections.
LeePIII Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Some clean up nicely. There isn’t much you can do for the likes of Charlie Sheen, though.
Gokie5 almost 10 years ago
Well, I like the Oscars because I rarely go to movies (last one I saw was Lincoln), and, being a former English teacher, I’m interested in plot, characterization, and stuff like that. The Oscars enable me to get the whole balla wax in one big blurt, to mix a metaphor. Being retired, I can watch the whole thing now!
Gokie5 almost 10 years ago
And yes, Stephan, this strip was an unusually fine one. Best “Oscars” strip I’ve seen, to date!
Perkycat almost 10 years ago
Love this one!
Ermine Notyours almost 10 years ago
Only about one out of five are assured they’re okay. The rest don’t look so happy.
damifid0 almost 10 years ago
Thanks,Stephen for saying what i’ve held true for years. Down w/the RIAA. Give artists more,not the middle man. :) Peace.
Godfreydaniel almost 10 years ago
Funniest cartoon of the day, and an excellent example of why Rat is the best active comic strip character (Snoopy, of course, is first all-time).
tazz555 almost 10 years ago
ah 8+ hours of giving a damn about people who don’t give a damn about us win a gold statue for nothing
Number Three almost 10 years ago
anorok2 almost 10 years ago
Oscar Levant said " It’s the night Hollywood makes love to itself " I agree.
Donna S almost 10 years ago
One word, Rat: YEP!
mackenzie0158 almost 10 years ago
Best PBS ever.
Brown Leghorn almost 10 years ago
To these people it is what manure is to clover in the cow field1
sarah413 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I stopped watching the Academy Awards show back in 1981. I enjoyed watching and found it to be entertaining. The biggest issue is that it went way too long. Staying up until well after midnight and then having my alarm ring at 4:30 so I could head to work at 5 was a bit too much to handle.
The Old Wolf almost 10 years ago
To share here what I found earlier in the day:
Self-reliance and self-respect are about as valuable commodities as we can carry in our pack through life.- Luther Burbank
It would seem that these qualities are quite scarce in Hollywood.
Stream of conscience almost 10 years ago
Wisdom from the rat.
scott almost 10 years ago
Buncha negative nancies, the lot of you.
vigilhonor-72 almost 10 years ago
becca_renfroe almost 10 years ago