Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 04, 2015
Elvis: The People bought a bird magnet. Lupin: This bird magnet is very strong. Elvis: What is this thing? What's the point? Lupin: I don't know, but the Man is recharging the magnet with peanut butter and sand. Puck: I enjoy watching the bird magnet. Elvis: ... Better things to do than looking at the birds all day.... Puck: If not for this glass, I would be a mighty hunter. Woman: I think the boys like the new feeder! Man: Looks like they're not the only ones! Tommy: Don't be shy! There are plenty of belly rubs to go around! Tee hee Tee hee Elvis: GET AWAY FROM OUR BIRDS!!!
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 9 years ago
You just gotta LOVE Tommy!
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 9 years ago
Y’also gotta love the way Elvis’ head just poofed out to bigger than Lupin’s and Puck’s entire bodies… put together!
Georgia, you are truly gifted!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
Come here Tommy, I’ll skritch your tummy!
Doug M over 9 years ago
Shouldn’t Tommy be eating the birds?
Observer fo Irony over 9 years ago
My neighbor just reported that she have been finding indoor cat toys out on the front stoop; she has the opinion that her newest cat has been pushing them out under the screen door for the feral cat that she feeds.
miscreant over 9 years ago
I put bird feeders in front of the bay and bow windows for the cats. In my house its called kitty TV. The birds get fed and the cats get entertainment and their hunting skills stroked. The squirrels drive them nuts when they hang upside down from the top of the bracket to get the seed. I just laugh and watch the cats go crazy.
SallyLin over 9 years ago
Tommy is so sweet and Elvis is so funny! Dear Puck has it all figured out.
SunflowerGirl100 over 9 years ago
I especially love Elvis holding the pencil in his tail!And I love even more than Tommy really does want belly rubs (well, belly tickles) from the birds and nothing more!
katina.cooper over 9 years ago
The birds know that Tommy won’t hurt them. The birds also know that they are making the inside kitties very jealous and are doing this on purpose.
Vet Premium Member over 9 years ago
Belly rubs are soooooo good.
T_Lexi over 9 years ago
Mighty hunter Puck is SO great, sipping out of his coffee mug. That is just about perfect! And Elvis’ poufy head in the last panel made me laugh out loud. Go Tommy!
Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 9 years ago
Elvis Writing with his tail in panel 7, a true artist. But tommy cat attracting birds? WOW! Tommy, the king gentle love & care for all life!
Kimberly Campbell Premium Member over 9 years ago
I so totally love this strip!
deadheadzan over 9 years ago
Elvis in the last panel cracks me up! No time for birds til Tommy gets belly tickles from them!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
Be sure to click on the Camera Lens at the right (next to the Pinterest sign) to see pictures of the kitties and the baby!
Thomas Blinn Premium Member over 9 years ago
The only problem with bird feeders is that sometimes they become bear feeders. Don’t ask how I know this.
MaryLee42 over 9 years ago
Best comic ever!
rikkiTikki Premium Member over 9 years ago
Puck with his coffee on the cat tree-too cute. and Tommy is a sweet cat.
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 9 years ago
Check out Lupin — his talented tail can write!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 9 years ago
That last panel is a winner. The whole strip is!
She Mc over 9 years ago
This is the cutest of cute strips! thanks Georgia X
poppet bear over 9 years ago
my 2 boys do a very good imitation of Puck on the cat tree when there’s birds at the feeder; and Elvis in the last panel is hilarious :)
Piksea Premium Member over 9 years ago
I’m not even remotely a cat person, but I absolutely love love love love this comic strip. Just this weekend, I went back and read it over from the beginning at one shot and it was absolutely delightful. Maybe, I’m more of a cat person than I thought. Nah, it’s just these cats. I adore these cats.
gotta_read_bo12 over 6 years ago
puck..puck….puckkkkk i love puck " if it were not for these windows, i would be a mighty hunter"