Arlo: You're missing a beautiful sunrise! The sky is a brilliant blue! The yard is a riot of green!
Arlo: It's a great day to be alive!
Arlo: A perfect day for coffee together on the patio!
Janis: You being right doesn't make me hate you any less!
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago
Morning people. You can’t live with them.
alviebird over 9 years ago
I don’t do mornings.
biglar over 9 years ago
I’m with Arlo. It’s a beautiful day! Let’s not sleep it away! :)
FosterGrant over 9 years ago
Live it Janis, don’t dream it.
jeanie5448 over 9 years ago
my husband gets up at 4am every day so he can go walking and even though he doesn’t wake me up he does tell me what I missed when I get up.
Dani Rice over 9 years ago
So, I’ll drink my coffee and go back to bed. Enough with the sunshine, already.
ARLOS DAD over 9 years ago
And, not a cloud in the sky….
AliCom over 9 years ago
And there’s that ‘DAM_ED’ robin sitting on the fence. We have them all over the place where we live. ‘SHI_TING’ all over everything…the deck, the side stairs, my car…
assrdood over 9 years ago
Mornings are overrated! Sunsets are best. Especially with a cool adult beverage.
Terry Foreman over 9 years ago
A lot depends on where you live. Around here sunrise is now at 5 am, and sunset not until after 9 pm. Makes for a LOOONNGG day.
JP Steve Premium Member over 9 years ago
I must be perverse! When I had to get up to go to work I hated mornings. Now that I’m retired I jump out of bed an hour before the alarm clock would have gone off!
QuietStorm27 over 9 years ago
I think it’s sweet that he wants to spend every waking moment with her but I do get annoyed when someone wakes me up before I’m ready.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 9 years ago
You are a very smart man and I’m sure she loves you for it!
locake over 9 years ago
I love early mornings alone. I would never wake up someone to see a sunrise. It is just as beautiful by yourself.
MarthaGwen Premium Member over 9 years ago
My moto is “If God had wanted us to see the sunrise, He would have scheduled it later in the day!”
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
under-appreciated beauty
Gokie5 over 9 years ago
I’m sure glad neither of US is like that (Arlo)!
slsharris over 9 years ago
Time to wake him up at 3:00 AM to watch for shooting stars and see the moonset… Premium Member over 9 years ago
The only sunrise I want to see is the one I stay up for.
Prescott_Philosopher over 2 years ago
We were on a riverboat cruise and the boat was docked in Cologne. I got up early to take a walk and discovered a carnival along the Rhine, and all the carnival people were still in bed. Got some fantastic pictures of a carnival without any people at all.