Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for August 26, 2015
richard's poor almanac deleted birds by richard thompson not to birdwatchers - the following are no longer recognized by the audubon society. commonplace dullard no distinguishing marks of any kind. hangs around other, cooler birds who wish it wouldn't. call - "hey wait up wait up c'mon guys wait up." eastern pottymouthed snark assails bird-watchers with vicious insults & profanity. call - "get a life you what're you lookin' at take your binoculars and ." great downy evermolt difficult to actually see as it's always surrounded by a suffocating cloud of feathers. call - "cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough." flightless grouse plods up and down the eastern u.s. whining the whole damn time. call - "ow ow ow ow my feet hurt my feet hurt ow ow ow ow." unmitigated gull this one's a show-offy little creep. call - :look at this plumage! great, huh? you guys from national geographicc? how about a picture? you wanna see my mating dance?" virginia glebe a duck-like fowl that wanders erratically across northern virginia. possibly apocryphal. call - "glebe glebe. glebe. glebe. honk. glebe glebe glebe." image not available.
Rhododendron about 9 years ago
In the last panel, Mr. Thompson is poking fun once again at Glebe Road, which he describes elsewhere as a “protean, shifty, and many-tentacled Virginia street.” As an example, the tentacle branch of the road called East Glebe runs basically south of the branch called South Glebe. But East Glebe becomes West Glebe, which just before it ends takes a jog to the north and intersects with South Glebe.
WaitingMan about 9 years ago
“Look at the grouse.”, Curly Howard
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Now I’ll have to mark up my copy of Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern North America (if I can find the Virginia Glebe page)….
PoodleGroomer about 9 years ago
The unmitigated gulls are the ones that beat you with their wings while stealing your fries. They got worse after Alfred Hitchcock put them in costumes and used them for all of the bird parts in The Birds.
ellisaana Premium Member about 9 years ago
No picture of a Virginia Glebe because there are too many Virginia Glebes to choose from for a photo.