Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 28, 2015
Mom: We need a name that sums up what'll go on here. TJ: Ok. So we have kafe kablooie.... Quill: A theater, an art gallery... Dad: Kind of a fusion of creative things... Mom: "The fuse"! TJ: Ooo! I like it! works well with Kablooie. Quill: Yeah! Dad: The fuse-light it up!"
Lilikoi70 over 9 years ago
Way to work together!
Argythree over 9 years ago
I’m still not liking ‘Kafe Kablooie’. Not so convinced that ‘The Fuse’ presents an inviting image…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Looking at his shirt, I see that Frank’s been experimenting with Rorschach blots… probably been “secretly” evaluating everyone (especially TJ!)…. – “The Fuse” , huh?… Catchy, “all-inclusive” (as regards to incoprorating all of it’s puroses), a sound that intends to give off the image of “hipness” and also “easy to think of” and to say, for that matter. And hopefully they don’t get “butrnt out” (physically and financially), with what would be their first time in working this “circuit” of customers…. – And, too, hopefully (cough:TJ!!) no one takes Frank up on his offer to “light it up”….
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“(Re: Fuse)”“One Designation, Under A Groove” (♪)“A Black Title Affair”“Name Your Poison”“Comfortably Nom” (♫)“On The Dub”“Ephi-tet For That”“Tag…You’re It!!”“Hey, Mon-iker!”“For Whom The Label Tolls”“Blame It On The Name…Yeah, Yeah….” (♪)or“Aye! There’s The Dub…”
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Tell me why this is a land of confusion. ~Phil Collins in the band Genesis
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Con – fuse – ion”^Yup!!! That’ll do it!!! Plus, the crowd will have to keep trying to catch its breath, having to run from the Gallery, to Theater to Cafe, to Restroom, then back, again!
Airman over 9 years ago
Well, what can I say? This story line is dull, at least for me.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
This “Fuse” is weaker than the one that controls the light bulb in your refrigerator.
blunebottle over 9 years ago
Oh, brother……
Argythree over 9 years ago
Yech. Think I’ll just stay home and cook my own grub…
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Cafe Crime Confession
Caldonia over 9 years ago
The No Consequences Nook
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Deus Ex McDonald’s
kenhense over 9 years ago
Hopefully not a short fuse…
SF1972 over 9 years ago
If they want to be hip to boot, they can just call it “Fuse”. If they want to be Zébo, they can call it “Pfüz”.
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Caldonia over 9 years ago
The Con Salon
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Weenie World
Caldonia over 9 years ago
The Crime Pays Cafe
TexanAtHeart over 9 years ago
Drop the Kafe and just call it Kablooie! Sounds like a fun place. Little boys would definitely like the sound of it. Fizzie drinks, Jalepeno Poppers, Asian Fusian for adults
Lyons Group, Inc. over 9 years ago
How about Cafe Luann ?
Aqsnt over 9 years ago
Maybe they can get Tom Cruise for the grand opening.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 9 years ago
Light…the Fuse? Best keep TJ away from the gas lines, methinks. :)
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Nah. Not a big fan of “The Fuse.”
bookworm0812 over 9 years ago
The Fuse. I like it! So many different meanings can be found in that.
TORAD_07 over 9 years ago
Be careful what you dream up Frank! Hopefully the building doesn’t go “Kablooie” in their faces at the worst possible time… like at Brad/Toni’s wedding (i.e.“drama and trauma”)…
The Old Wolf over 9 years ago
All I can do at this point is hope that the DeGroots don’t find themselves in a financial bind from all of this. After all, TJ does not have a very good track record.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
How about “For Sale”? Which is what THIS Joint Will Be after Folks START Eating Old Smiley’s Crappy Food.
Now, Can We PLEASE Get Back To Gunther Rejecting Advances From Attractive Young Women??
2Goldfish over 9 years ago
I used to work for a company called “Fuse Interactive” based out of southern California.
RoseHawke over 9 years ago
I like “The Fuse”. Kafe Kablooie needs work though.
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
And the joke will be1) on us— we’ll keep waiting for something bad to happen and it never will.2) on them— no fire dept, insurance company will ever believe future problems are “accidents”.
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
Glad to see at least Frank got some dirt on his shirt!
Sir Uncle Rat69 over 9 years ago
Small business on the rise!
Pointspread over 9 years ago
Right on Buck.
Pointspread over 9 years ago
Kafe Kablooie doesn’t sound too good to me. Go with “Backstage Grill” or “Fuze Inn”.
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
2Yawn. “Fuse” sounds like Greg is playing with us about the “controversy” about TJ’s Food Truck. I wonder if this week’s arc was written in haste by Greg like people often do their work more quickly just prior to going on vacation? This whole week’s worth sort seems a bit “phoned in” to me. Oh well. a weak week once in a while is to be expected. No one can be excellent all the time. Greg has done a lot of really creative, amazing things with this comic, so I am going to attribute this week to a “pre-vacation” rush job.
Lamberger over 9 years ago
“(…) TJs insurance fraud (…).’
Never happened. Re-read that sequence.
gammaguy over 9 years ago
They’re renovating and re-using that old building, so how about Refuse? (Pronounce it however you like.)
dre7861 over 9 years ago
Oh this is so fusion.
Michael Ritter over 9 years ago
Next new character: “Hi, I’m with ATF. Here’s my badge.”
MotherOfMoses over 9 years ago
But what if people re’fuse’?
Mayor Snorkum over 9 years ago
I say The Fuse is going to fizzle. They’re trying to do far too many things with one space. And “Kafe Kablooie” is a dumb name
Mayor Snorkum over 9 years ago
I say The Fuse is going to fizzle. They’re trying to do far too many things with one space. And “Kafe Kablooie” is a dumb name
reedkomicks Premium Member over 9 years ago
“The Fuse – Blow it up!” Better check the insurance policy! It may all be a front for TJ to escalate his profits.
Mayor Snorkum over 9 years ago
As I was saying before my computer decided to submit my comment prematurely, “Kafe Kablooie” is a dumb name. It should be changed to “Chez Arson” or “Insurance Fraud Hash House.”
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
JPW – I can finally add one to your list! "Light My Fire*
ron over 9 years ago
Not to be confused with the Fuse Theater Company in Michigan or Light the Fuse theater in London or The Fuse Bar and Grill in Rhode Island or the Fuse Bistro in Massachusetts or..
Gerry Lee over 9 years ago
Well, the name ‘The Fuse’ might grow on me. It is a place where many different elements come together, something to keep all the characters connected now that High School is done. Was nice to see Tiffany, Ox, and even Knute for cleaning, and the others are sure to pitch in during coming days. What I really want to see is how each character interacts with the finished place though. Maybe Tiff can hone her acting skills in local theater if college doesn’t work out.
Tina Brasher over 9 years ago
Maybe “Fusion”,slot better.
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
Actually it was vanilla-tincured at the time I wrote that, not cherry. :)
Airman over 9 years ago
Get your wick lit at The Fuse.
ironman01 over 9 years ago
First TJ needs to be a silent partner. Second they need to ditch Kablooie.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
It might be a bit easier to be interested in this story arc if it hadn’t been introduced in such an implausible way (costing about a tenth of what it obviously would actually cost, just so that TJ’s settlement would exactly pay for it). Greg Evans then tried to write himself out of that corner by saying that the settlement was only the part of the financing that was needed to get a loan, ignoring the fact that no one will loan you ten times more than what you have as collateral. Even without all that nonsense that shows how poorly planned this story is, the whole concept is incredibly dull. Either let a mysterious fire level this place, so we can repeat the “did he or didn’t he?” intrigue from the food truck explosion, or let someone new show up and offer to take over the lease for more than Frank paid to rent the place. Now that school is starting again, let’s return to Luann at Pitt CC and forget about this pointless project.
Skylark over 9 years ago
Fontessa over 9 years ago
It’s clever. I like it. There’s “fusion” art, “fusion” food, and “fusion” jazz. Sounds like I place I’d like to visit!
RSH over 9 years ago
""..TJ is a villain character. It’s hard to root for anything he does…"-—————————————————————————————
For sure.. he puts everyone on pins and needles……..but hopefully Nancy will keep the lid on him. He’s more shackled this time since the business is not his (unlike the food truck). So far his name is not on any legal document regarding ‘The Fuse’ and its ownership.
Airman over 9 years ago
Yes, I think that “relationships” are key to making an interesting comic story. I’m afraid that legal documents, warranty deeds, personal property taxes, permits and inspections just don’t do it for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go curl up with a good book on changes in the income tax laws for 2015.
srmalone over 9 years ago
Agree that the storyline ceased being interesting days ago. Time to move on.
RSH over 9 years ago
OOPS…… I guess everyone is fast asleep by now.
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
What happens when Patrons begin smuggling in their Homemade Fireworks ???.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Frank and Nancy admitted that they don’t qualify for the necessary loan, so there’s no second mortgage in this financing.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Frank said they didn’t qualify for a loan, period. Of course, Greg Evans has tried to re-write everything that was originally said about the financing, probably because so many people pointed out how ridiculous it was.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
I’m by no means a fan of “the Sopranos”. But I can recognize the tool of “audience participation”, in the form of “write your own ending”. The whole scene (in general) they showed of the end doesn’t “make sense”, but the tool of the creator is to have moments where the audience can “fill it in” as they wish, and they give us the “main portion”. It’ effectively, as the adage goes, “kills two birds with one stone”. Same with the final episode of TNG (“All Good Things”), and the final episode of Voyager. They also “didn’t make sense”, except where it would get “filled in”, depending on the viewpoint of the persons watching it. – The Wonder Years finale wasn’t meant to be Kevin and Winnie arguing, getting back together then joining in a parade celebration, with “Kevin wrapping up the narration”. It was originaly supposed to be “just another episode” (sans Kevin’s closing monologue). But due to ongoing production/pay issues, (cast was getting older, stories would have to be extended to issues beyond what was deemed “showable” during the “family hour” [presumably nothing HBO-like, though], etc.) they had to make the decision to just use that episode to ’wrap it up"…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Taking TJ’s $60k and a second mortgage from Frank and Nancy, they could have quite logically gotten sufficient funds for the building renovation.”^True. And there could be other breaks given to “small businesses”, and even more established ones in the form of “tax credits” and “energy savings credits” which could “lighten some of the load” now (with less overhead and “out of pocket”), or a bit further down the road during the first couple of quarters, or so. – But too, there are some states out there (such as mine) that though those loans, etc. will help, the state itself will still asses plenty of fees (as a form of governmental “revenue” from the business owners) and with the “healthcare issue” that some have “upped and moved” after not being able to sustain the business, even after a few years. It just cost our state a couple of TV shows that were produced here, in favor of setting up shop in states considered to be more “business friendly” (e.g., lower taxes, etc.)…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“…given to “small businesses”, and even more established ones…”^Should be "…given to “small businesses”, and even more established, larger businesses…."
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Note to Greg Evans: stop drawing Quill and T.J. as chimp lookalikes
Caldonia over 9 years ago
And give T.J. a hairstyle that you might actually see in real life
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Do people not have expectations for a good story anymore?”^I am no fan of these “teenybopper groups” like “One Direction”, or “Fifth Harmony”. I am no fan of Britney Spears. They don’t seem to “fit” onto the “history timeline” of music, to me. But I don’t plan on showing up to concerts, with some picket sign saying: “Make better music!!!”. And sing lyrics that make sense, while you’re at it!!!!…And would it kill you guys to have ‘deeper meaning’ in them? . – It would seem rather unproductive, as no matter how much I protested, I wouldn’t be able to “turn” all those fans away, nor would I be “heard” for my protests by any of the “powers that be” behind that “entertainment production”. I don’t go on the message boards to protest. I don’t go to the record store and try to speak to the cashier or any patrons about it. I simply just choose to not consume their products, and there are others who feel similar, and there are those who don’t, but I simply just focus my consumer tastes elsewhere. -The same could be said, for TV shows, movies, and…. comic strips …..
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Which means after losing Club La Bomba things will go back to business as usual with more school adventures and hijinks” ^Yeppers!!!!– And “the same old sun… but on a new day…”
JayBluE over 9 years ago
….reside in the missing fourth panel….^Yep, that’s it, right there!!!
Argythree over 9 years ago
And now for something probably completely unexpected by most of us, out of the blue (? wrong color), something that can pull this arc into several others.
He speaks!!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Just credit to ya, where it’s due! (8^D) – (“kick back”:) Ha ha, more like “passing the kicks along”…If I’m getting “kicked”, someone else is, too, LOL!
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
Of course there’s a Bathroom..Did you think this was Star Trek or something?.