I kind of expected Jeri to say that Mom wouldn’t even sew on a button. Depending on the button, it’s fairly easy. I once sewed one on, making sure it wouldn come loose again, only for the fabric to tear.
Jeri would freak if she knew that French housewives would rather make their own croutons from yesterday’s baguette than buy them in a bag from the store.
@Jonathan K.: “The modern throw-away mentality. Instead of repairing something, just buy a new one.”
@pickyX2: “You have all been programmed … planned obsolescence.”
It’s not just programming; it’s manufacturing. I have clothes bought 30 years ago that I wear regularly, and they’re still serviceable. And four pair of pants bought within the last 4 years where the fabric has simply fallen apart without ever being snagged or seriously stretched.
Quality in weaving, spinning, and even the fibers themselves have been abandoned. I find similar disintegration in other types of products, as well. (Or should that be “as ill”?)
Quality usually means a higher price, which people aren’t willing/able to pay anymore because it’s cheaper to buy a new ones that’s shoddily made. This leads to less people buying quality items which eventually leads to the closing of quality manufacturers.
asrialfeeple over 6 years ago
I kind of expected Jeri to say that Mom wouldn’t even sew on a button. Depending on the button, it’s fairly easy. I once sewed one on, making sure it wouldn come loose again, only for the fabric to tear.
dwane.scoty1 over 6 years ago
I think there was a Generation-Skip here;@ least one!
VTX1800F over 6 years ago
Jeri, you do know… Check, Cash or Credit Card… at 14,,, I hope adults do not give her them..
The Pro from Dover over 6 years ago
I just had a great idea for a store! Buttons Buttons Will Sew Your Buttons.
DDrazen over 6 years ago
Jeri would freak if she knew that French housewives would rather make their own croutons from yesterday’s baguette than buy them in a bag from the store.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Not unless someone gives you the money and TAKES you to the mall you won’t.
Prescott_Philosopher over 6 years ago
Get back here young lady…
Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl over 6 years ago
The modern throw-away mentality. Instead of repairing something, just buy a new one.
pickyX2 over 6 years ago
You have all been programmed … planned obsolescence.
gammaguy over 6 years ago
@Jonathan K.: “The modern throw-away mentality. Instead of repairing something, just buy a new one.”
@pickyX2: “You have all been programmed … planned obsolescence.”
It’s not just programming; it’s manufacturing. I have clothes bought 30 years ago that I wear regularly, and they’re still serviceable. And four pair of pants bought within the last 4 years where the fabric has simply fallen apart without ever being snagged or seriously stretched.
Quality in weaving, spinning, and even the fibers themselves have been abandoned. I find similar disintegration in other types of products, as well. (Or should that be “as ill”?)
asrialfeeple over 6 years ago
Quality usually means a higher price, which people aren’t willing/able to pay anymore because it’s cheaper to buy a new ones that’s shoddily made. This leads to less people buying quality items which eventually leads to the closing of quality manufacturers.