Pickles by Brian Crane for September 28, 2015

  1. 101 0297
    puddymom  about 9 years ago

    This one looks awfully familiar. I’m thinking it’s a repeat.

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    mkd_1218  about 9 years ago

    Am I the only “elder citizen” who thinks this theme is about 10 years behind the times? I’m becoming teed off at the insinuations here.

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  3. Vicki rose is rose
    verticallychallenged Premium Member about 9 years ago

    @mkdonly1, I know people in their 90s who use the internet regularly, and people in their 50s who seldom do. It’s not age as much as personality and personal choice.

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  4. J0407525
    She Mc  about 9 years ago

    Well, I am pretty modern then!!! I have a smart phone, tablet and a desk top computer, unfortunately they are all smarter than me & more often than not if someone calls me on the mobile I hit the wrong button and have to call them back!!! I have not much of a life, I play cards most of the computer time!!!

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  5. Animal triangle
    ANIMAL  about 9 years ago

    Yup…… repeat for sure – TRUST me.

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  6. Leeroycropavatar
    Leeroy  about 9 years ago

    Yeah, the joke is getting stale, and it’s more than a bit condescending.

    My mother learned COBOL and keypunch back in the 1960s. She has a laptop Mac. She even has a Facebook page. No computerphobes here!

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    cubswin2016  about 9 years ago

    Are you sure it’s Sylvia, Grandma?

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  8. Rosehawke
    RoseHawke  about 9 years ago

    Bought a piece of custom cut glass for a small table the other day. Went to pick it up, whipped out my debit card, the counter clerk says – “Oh, he doesn’t take debit or credit cards, cash or check only. Very old school.” There wasn’t even a computer in the office. Nice shop, but these days I don’t see how a vendor survives like that.

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  9. Retired dude avatar
    Retired Dude  about 9 years ago

    Since it has today’s date I suspect the strip itself is not a rerun but the theme of elderly technophopes certainly is.

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  10. Grey haired lady2
    Caerin Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The idea of we “geezers” as technophobes is without merit. I’m in my 70’s and my generation INVENTED computers! Grew up in Silicon Valley and knew (slightly) the steves (Wozniak and Jobs) and before them “Pong” and bulliten boards were ubiquitous. I agree with some that access and inclination has more to do with being techno friendly. Hmmm, no disrespect Mr. Crane but it could be time to upgrade this! :)

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  11. Chai
    Perkycat  about 9 years ago

    I don’t care if it is a repeat – it is here and I’m commenting on it. I can’t imagine my retired life without the computer. You can only sit in a rocking chair and knit for so long. I have facebook to keep up with family members and love the pictures they post. I only have 22 friends so there isn’t a lot of junk. At least Earl knew about the ‘Nigerian Princes’.

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  12. Comptyping
    RayThomas101  about 9 years ago

    I’m 78. But I had my first computer in 1985 and did a lot of web page design for years. But I didn’t keep up with it and don’t do it any more, except for my own pages. I have a Facebook page, but rarely go there. same with Twitter. I have two cell phones that I only use to make and receive phone calls. I have a 30 year old Timex watch. I have six blogs, three of which I update every day.

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  13. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  about 9 years ago

    About 6 years ago I signed up on Facebook, I was in the hospital with nothing to do… Now I look at it about once a month. Without the hospital, I have plenty to do. and I don’t miss a thing…

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  14. Missing large
    Al Nala  about 9 years ago

    Missed the format, Dave (no pod bay door for you!); it’s on one hand, on the other had, and on the Gripping Hand…

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  15. Animals  don t hurt them
    zofyzofy  about 9 years ago

    We love Pickles. Gives us a good feeling every day.

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    patlaborvi  about 9 years ago

    When my mom was in her 70’s she nearly had a mental breakdown because she was having so much stress trying to learn to use a computer so she could keep up with all her computer savy kids and grandkids on the internet. She ended up getting counseling and the doctor basically told her, “If you’ve gone this long without using a computer and it causes you this much stress then stop trying to do it and stick with what you know.”

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  17. Gedc0251
    Charliegirl Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Don’t get him on the internet Opal! Or you’ll be fighting over the use of the computer!!! lolol

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  18. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 9 years ago

    I wouldn’t bother, Earl. If it’s too much hassle for you.


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    abbybookcase  about 9 years ago

    my grandfather,r.i.p., was way ahead of me on the computer when he died at 96, a few years back. i’m still trying to get caught up.

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  20. Flowers pininterest
    whenlifewassimpler  about 9 years ago

    Not to those of us who are Earl’s age who couldn’t give a hoot about Facebook!!!

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  about 9 years ago

    “Here Seniors are respected and an integral part of society, not marginalized and denigrated”.Note that Earl and Opal are approximately the same age.Each has weaknesses and strengths.

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    kattbailey  about 9 years ago

    1) I’m FB friends with one of Grandma’s sisters. Grandma is 97 One of Mom’s cousins, near Mom’s 70. 2) I played an online game with a group of seniors. When the site that had the version we played closed, a lot of the retirees quickly learned to manage FB to play the version that was on it. Learned how to use a lot of it’s functions. I was walking some through things but there were many who were also explaining things who were much older than their 30s. 3) from them I see more things about active hobbies and interests than grandkids and pets and the other things I was “supposed” to see when most of my FB friends were twice my age…

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  23. Animal triangle
    ANIMAL  about 9 years ago


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