Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 01, 2016
Lucy:'re fuming. Danae: That's 'cuz I'm outraged! Lucy: Again? Danae: Watch it or you'll get put on the list. Lucy: Umm...what list? Danae: My list of outrage. Now just shut up and bend to my will! Lucy: Bend to your will about what? Danae:'re not questioning my outrage, are you? Lucy: brain just cramped up. Danae: That's what happens when you try to mix reason with outrage.
rbmumsie almost 9 years ago
OMG – I didn’t realize that Danae was a Trump supporter!
AZPhinFan almost 9 years ago
Maybe she’s just practicing to be a wife someday
Ragtime78rpm almost 9 years ago
Liberals: All of the outrage; none of the reason.
No mixing here
thetraveller4 almost 9 years ago
USMCmum, Dogsniff: OMG—I didn’t realize that Danae was an evangelical Trump supporter!
Can't Sleep almost 9 years ago
SHouldn’t she be on medications, and in therapy? (Not in that order.)
Reppr Premium Member almost 9 years ago
OMG – I didn’t realize Danae was a college student at Mizzou!
tinmanzzz almost 9 years ago
LIBERAL no doubt. Please don’t confuse them with facts.
Can't Sleep almost 9 years ago
Trump is just a used car dealer, with more ridiculous lies.F’rinstance: To get Mexico to pay for a wall, he’d have to invade that country and loot their treasury.-I’m waiting for him to get carried away, and promise everyone a pick-up truck with an assault rifle, and a million dollars, cash (from Mexico, of course).
Toonerific almost 9 years ago
Panel 2 actually refers to a parenting skill that is still too often used.
derdave969 almost 9 years ago
OMG, I didn’t realize Danae was a Democrat.
Holden Awn almost 9 years ago
OMG – I didn’t realize Danae identified with any ethinic minority!
sarah413 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Harrumph. Harrumph. Harrumph. Hey, you didn’t say harrumph. You owe the governor an harrumph. It would be so nice if the populace was treated to more shut up and more grow up from these so called leaders.
Linguist almost 9 years ago
For Danae here’s a portion of * W.S.Gilbert’s* own parody of Koko’s “I’ve Got A Little List” from the *Mikado. Gilbert wrote this parody perhaps with Danae in mind…
As someday it may happen that a victim must be found,I’ve made a little list–I’ve made a little list–Of inconvenient people who might well be underground,For they never would be missed–they never would be missed.
The donkey who of nine-times-six and eight-times-seven prates,And stumps you with enquiries on geography and dates,And asks for your ideas on spelling “parallelogram,”All narrow-minded people who are stingy with their jam,And the torture-dealing dentist, with the forceps in his fist–They’d none of them be missed–they’d none of them be missed.
steverinoCT almost 9 years ago
The last panel is good to clip and stand on its own.
dabugger almost 9 years ago
With all the spin-talk this odd season, Danae has been smothered with the unreason outrage from the blowhards on the airways. At least Lucy is not infected. Hopefully all that super ego mania will fade in a little time.
pugmahone12 almost 9 years ago
not funny
russellc64 almost 9 years ago
I love reading the political comments. Both sides think they have all the answers and the other side is crazy. The funny thing is they are both half right.
annette143NotMe almost 9 years ago
I’m for Bernie too! i.m.o. he has integrity. Heaven forbid we get chillary or tRumpwinning by coin tosses seems ignorant.
annette143NotMe almost 9 years ago
my half sister is for the rump. she is very much like a 2 yr old. = totally egocentric. the message I have for her goes like this:A Child’s Prayer:Dear Lord, Please make all the bad people good and make all the good people NICE.
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
Liberals are outraged about certain things, conservatives about others. I’m personally outraged that moderates never get outraged……..
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
Trump for President, hooray!Made money the old-fashioned wayHe’s rich ‘cause he was born that wayBut Donnie’s insane policyWill drain the blood from you and meLet’s face it, every plutocratIs nothing but a vampire bat
Trump! That worthless bozo bigotSpews raw sewage from that spigotOf his mouth. And Donnie’s brainsHave derailed like defective trainsFor this there is no healing lotionDonnie’s just a loco-motion
And little Donnie has the gallTo lie ‘bout who will pay for WallThere’s NO chance that it’s MexicoNor even men from TexacoNor China, nor Korea (North)But what the hell, let’s sally forth!(Who’s Sally Forth? The girl that DonIs strenuously cheating onHe also cheats on wifey, tooWho’s Wifey Three—remember, do!)
For bankruptcies Trump counts to fourAnd yet more sins—so many more!But let me summarize my screedThe evil Trump’s a fiend, indeed
More or Less Premium Member almost 9 years ago
leftwing nutjobs out in force.
leeisme almost 9 years ago
It’s an epidemic of the inability to exercise reason on the part of Republicans that makes me outraged.
Ernest Lemmingway almost 9 years ago
Or, Lucy, like every time before, you could ignore Danae and she’ll move on to her next ridiculous strategy. Demagogues do it all the time and 99% of them fail to change anything. Those that do accomplish something find reality has a nasty habit of reversing everything in time.
GiantShetlandPony almost 9 years ago
I am Lucy! LOL, I’ve had way too many conversations like that.Best to convince her to go on a nice trail ride Lucy.PS, another week off? Me too.
Say What? Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Whoa, did someone remind Danae about her white privilege?
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 9 years ago
She’s Rorschach blot. She says silly stuff, you say volumes.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly almost 9 years ago
Thus explaining why my ex- is my ex!
Tarredandfeathered almost 9 years ago
I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.
— Andrew Jackson
rocketranger2 almost 9 years ago
She’s doing her Hillary impression!
Raider Red Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I’m pretty sure that if “the Bern” gets elected, all I’m gonna feel is the “sander” as he takes 2 or 3 layers offa my hide. I’m all for taxing the rich; the problem I have is that this guy thinks I’m rich. Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Wow!! Why does this seem all too familiar?
Raider Red Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I don’t know, what makes YOU not part of that nasty ol’ 1%? The problem with people like the sander – and apparently you as well – is that there will never be any satisfaction. Irrespective of what he says, I believe that, at the bottom of it all, he and most all of his devotees are only out for their own self-interests. This can be concisely summed up as follows:
Your tax is too low;my tax is too high;your benefit is too high;my benefit is too low.
We are indeed totally screwed.
gammaguy almost 9 years ago
She calls it outrage, but it’s really inrage.
57BelAir over 8 years ago
She’s not a Trump supporter. The similarity is because he acts her age.