Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 14, 2016
Danae: Why'd you stop, Lucy? Lucy: 'Cuz there's a bridge. Danae: Lucy: It might not be safe. Danae: Looks sturdy to me. Lucy: That's not the problem. Danae: And the problem is...? Lucy: What might be lurking under the bridge. Danae: Ok, that's nuts. Lucy: Says the one not stepping on to the vampire slug bridge. Danae: Wait...the what?
KenTheCoffinDweller almost 9 years ago
What no Trolls?
dadoctah almost 9 years ago
Nah, the Billy Goats Gruff took care of the trolls.
GiantShetlandPony almost 9 years ago
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Could think of a leech as a vampire slug.
nosirrom almost 9 years ago
I thought that trolls lived under bridges.What is your name? Danae.What is your quest? To rid the world of stinky booger-brained boys.Who is your favorite Republican?, Trump.aaaiiiiieeeee…..
whiteheron almost 9 years ago
What? Only vampire slugs can use the bridge?
Vonne Anton almost 9 years ago
Wasn’t the last question rhetorical?
(waits while they think about it….)
halibaitor almost 9 years ago
Sorry, but slugs don’t have a shell.
Old Texan75 almost 9 years ago
Jabba, The Hutt?
Linguist almost 9 years ago
Danae was feeling a bit sluggish, this morning.
dabugger almost 9 years ago
Lucy? Where did ya get that from? Been listening to some; not hear Danae or Kate or even Jeffrey mention? Oh what is rumored sometimes. Almost as bad as the blind followers of some ‘presidential’ candidates whose ignorance and hysterical ravings are muddying the ‘news’.
jahoody almost 9 years ago
slugs don’t have a shell, snails do
jahoody almost 9 years ago
Varnes where are you?? Wiley has opened up a whole new can of worms….aka vampire slugs.
Gokie5 almost 9 years ago
Was going to bestir myself to comment on yesterday’s muddy dog episode – great job, Wiley! Today’s strip is fine, too. I’m a bit slowed, though, by natural indolence, old age, and a busted tailbone. Hi, guys!
JP Steve Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Something under the bridge is drooling…
KEA almost 9 years ago
Vampire slugs. Great. Now I have another nightmare image to contend with.
whiteheron almost 9 years ago
I think he was on here yesterday and replied to you. I think he is having some computer issues
meowlin almost 9 years ago
“slugs have no skeleton they do have… a shell.”.No, that’s snails. Slugs are, essentially, snails without shells.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly almost 9 years ago
There is always something to worry about if you’re nuts!
MurphyHerself almost 9 years ago
This is so typical of a horse.
hippogriff almost 9 years ago
Night-Gaunt49 and his criticsSlugs have a shell, but it is vestigial and subcutaneous. I doubt that is what 49 was referring to.
Tarredandfeathered almost 9 years ago
One of the things about Horses is that most of them will refuse to step on Anything that Looks like a Hole to them..A few really dark planks on that bridge could stop the average horse in it’s tracks because it Looks like a great place to Break a Leg.
HowieL almost 9 years ago
Imagine a very small ecology of just vampires. Every animal is a sucker of fluids. Blood, lymph, spinal fluids are all to be feasted on. Liquid diets. Then a bunch of humans find the island and lands on it. Guess what happens next?-They kill the animals, clear the land, and build a tax shelter resort?