Nate: The whole time we've been together, Trudy, we've hung out with your friends!
Nate: We eat lunch with them every day!... We do stuff with them after school!
Nate: Why can't we spend some time with my friends?
Trudy: I don't think i want to.
Ginka3 almost 9 years ago
KZ71 almost 9 years ago
Why, why, why can we never just have Nate have a girlfriend!
Dee Dee Holloway almost 9 years ago
I was going to say “NO” dramatically, but I don’t think Trudy understands all Nate has suffered. O.O
RySonic almost 9 years ago
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
At least he is telling her how he feels. Finally.
tripplett314 almost 9 years ago
such a well written strip!
Soumak Nandi almost 9 years ago
good strip. l like the suspense
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 9 years ago
Would certainly like to hear her reason as to why, besides them being sixth graders. In any case it doesnt look positive for Trudy atm.
jwondga almost 9 years ago
Johnnie Polo Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Thus the beginning of the end folks.
Pittsburgh301 almost 9 years ago
NATE!!! Trudy’s running a dictatorship!
Kagamikat almost 9 years ago
I think the moral of the story here is be friends with everyone and have fun.
n8cwhite almost 9 years ago
I’m having trouble trying to figure out how you guys call Trudy a “girlfriend”
Applesnitch almost 9 years ago
Q: If Trudy was a fish, what type would she be?
A: A shellfish! HaHaHa!
I have no life.
zobbes almost 9 years ago
Bye Trudy, we’ll miss you.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 9 years ago
I said it yesterday: 7th graders have no soul.
letogmyotter almost 9 years ago
Looks like my prediction’s coming true. Really, I knew it would happen at the party, and then it seems that it would be even more true at the roller rink…
theguynextdoor almost 9 years ago
ouch…….that’s gotta hurt…..
bignatefantic almost 9 years ago
Looks like Nate will have to go back to liking Jenny
MJbig05 almost 9 years ago
I called it yesterday!!!
MJbig05 almost 9 years ago
You know what this is leading to Tue Elung Jenson:A BREAKUP!
RHETT WUZ HERE almost 9 years ago
Okay, NOW you guys can start judging her.
MJbig05 almost 9 years ago
She’s just being a jerk now.
laurac5800 almost 9 years ago
This is the third time I’m saying this, but BREAK UP AND BRING BACK ANGIE OR BRING IN RUBY!
MJbig05 almost 9 years ago
I predicted this sense day one of their relationship. I knew that Trudy would start running a dictatorship on Nate. Honestly, I never really liked her anyways. I knew that if I started liking her, then I would be crushed when she becomes a jerk.
TKGaming World almost 9 years ago
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 9 years ago
This is right at the point where those two either fix this or they don’t. Game is definitely on!!
King K. Rool almost 9 years ago
I hope Angie saves Nate.
JrAlcesAlces Premium Member almost 9 years ago
GOOD-BYE, Trudy!!!
BNF_OFFICIAL789 almost 9 years ago
Just break them up I can’t take this anymore! :’(
nwebb1212 almost 9 years ago
I hate Trudy. She’s selfish and terrible.
komickat almost 9 years ago
Seriously Trudy, that’s not how a relationship should be like; it needs to be balanced; you’re controlling all of what Nate’s social life… why? And if you were a true girlfriend, you would go sit with his friends!
hello2000 almost 9 years ago
It’s only been a little over 5 months…
Rolf Rykken Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Well I was surprised by that, young lady!
banjinshiju almost 9 years ago
Trudy is too much like Nate in that she has an egocentric view of the world. Both of these children are too young to realize that love includes sacrificing some of your desires for the good of the object of your love.Christ did so for us, while we were sinners opposed to the rule of God, because He loved us. The hard part for us to accept that love to the point that we can love Him back in such a self-sacrificing way.Like children, we are too enamored in the shiny, pretty things of this life to give our all to Him. The sad part is that the things we value so highly, are worthless when compared to eternity.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
B…I…T…O…C…H what does it spell? Run Nate, run very fast.
starcandles Premium Member almost 9 years ago
At least she is honest & not beating around the bush! Make the decision, Nate!
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Too bad Trudy!!
cdwestman almost 9 years ago
Well? What did I tell u? I knew this wud happen!!!
cdwestman almost 9 years ago
Trudy: you’re a total jerk, and Nate deserves much better. What the heck is taking Nate so long to break up?
billdi Premium Member almost 9 years ago
i thought Trudy was more understanding and smarter than this…time to move on Nate
StoicLion1973 almost 9 years ago
Wow! That devolved quickly. Trudy is being immature in this.
squiglyman almost 9 years ago
now I really want them to break up, trudy is not as forgiving as I thought she was
Kr38or almost 9 years ago
Oh God, no…
Linda Pearson almost 9 years ago
Drop her Nate!
timmytohns almost 9 years ago
Nate looks disgusted in the fourth panel….
sakki2010 almost 9 years ago
Dump her Nate!
The Sinistral Bassist Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Kick her to the curb, brother!
FOXATE almost 9 years ago
pierce just do it and make them break up im going insane and trudy should do it i mean if they get married isnt the men supposed to be the boss of the house?
The Boston Banana almost 9 years ago
Okay, I just remembered this, all this time dating Trudy, is he cheating on Angie? XD
PrinceAisu almost 9 years ago
I wonder what’s going to happen next, either a breakup or Nate and Trudy just get into an awkward situation.
Bookworm/Animal Lover 123 almost 9 years ago
gulp! I feel a breakup evolving!
GOgamix almost 9 years ago
I knew they werent good for each other in the beginning
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Wow…she’s not even going to entertain the thought of compromise. Nate can do much better. Time to dump this Trudy.
FrancisJustGotSmarter almost 9 years ago
Is it just me or am I the only one waiting for the break up?
Courier_6 almost 9 years ago
I don’t think this is how 7th graders act…Maybe because I am one…
Breckenridge Puffington IV almost 9 years ago
Nate. Time to split up.
BorutoByakugan almost 9 years ago
Next episode: break up.
KitKatInc almost 9 years ago
Lil Brat
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 9 years ago
Well, she also said “I don´t know” at the time he asked her initially if she wanted to hang out with sixth graders (and then left). It is still kind of odd that we go through this again, because you would think – again – that she remembered how Nate feels about that attitude. And quite honestly, while I feel Nate will get upset and most likely break it off the way it is now, he might bend and follow her. Highly unlikely, but it is still a possibility together with Trudy testing Nate.
wolfman47130 almost 9 years ago
That’s it Nate you’ve been had, all you are is arm candy drop her like a hot rock and move on.
Marathon Zack almost 9 years ago
I hate to say this, because I like Trudy, but seriously, Nate, dump her. At least until she realizes she likes you enough to be willing to hang out with your friends as well.
Bruno Glahn almost 8 years ago
Nate’s got a point tho
IncineratorPlays over 7 years ago
Trudys so jerky
IncineratorPlays over 7 years ago
100dreth comment
Chad Applewhite over 7 years ago
I knew this was going to happen. Now he’s free to date Ruby! I have a feeling THEIR relationship should hold, even though I don’t think she’s in the comics.
Briidget over 6 years ago
what a jerk.
PeterVanegas over 5 years ago
CrossDoggo™ ✔️ over 5 years ago
Ooooh , they’re breaking up aren’t tney
ND Cool Z over 4 years ago
I don’t know who’s being more selfish, but I know this probably won’t end well for both..
CreeperBoy135 over 4 years ago
yo 100 comment
VMB! over 4 years ago
VMB! over 4 years ago
HalberCon about 4 years ago
Come on Trudy. He always goes to your table.
Matthias about 4 years ago
the beginning of the end of Nate’s relationship
JonathanGriffin about 4 years ago
i think trudys the worst character she does not even think nate suffering and forgets how much nate has done to be with her and is not even reconizing how sad he is and what teddy and francis do next is sooooooo mean this is nates worst girlfriend ever counting jenny
Nobody! about 4 years ago
person1 almost 4 years ago
yeah trudy dont be rude
Matt_cAt almost 4 years ago
Well that’s a rap folks I think there going to break up
hockey man almost 4 years ago
you don’t?
Sokka the Great almost 4 years ago
Nate sacrificed so much for Trudy and when he asks one favor she just says “I dont want to.” Wow…
hockey man almost 4 years ago
you don’t?
Alfyn Greengrass over 3 years ago
Passionfruit over 3 years ago
red alert……. this will not end well
MabelPines1234 over 3 years ago
ugh i hate trudy
Comic Strip Moments over 3 years ago
I do not think that Trudy understands that if you want to be in a relationship, you have to be accepting to do things that the other person wants to do.
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
Dump her. Dump her now!
DACuber 9 months ago
3rd warning
Nate Orville Wright 19 days ago
Trudy is getting REALLY conceited. I wouldn’t say I like the looks of this.