Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 12, 2010
Woman's sign reads: I'm absolutely right about everything! Man's sign reads: DITTO Woman's sign reads: So disagreeing with me means you're absolutely wrong about everything! And that offends me!! Man's sign reads: DITTO AGAIN Woman's noise: SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE Woman's sign reads: SEE? Bi-partisanship is a crock! Man's sign reads: We just found common ground.
WoodEye over 14 years ago
My wife’s sister!
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
That’s about the level of so many internet arguments!
Basqueian over 14 years ago
I notice she has teabags for earrings
grapfhics over 14 years ago
Her spelling is good.
policelimit Premium Member over 14 years ago
She’s hot.
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
Notice the analogy; the old woman is the Republicans and the old man is Barack Obama.
parethed over 14 years ago
I dunno…she kinda looks like my ex-wife (uugh) and he looks like the guy she married…they deserve each other…
didereaux over 14 years ago
Take a moment to read all the comments: sickening the number that show the intellectual level of the characters in the cartoon, isn’t it?
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
dukedoug, have you just declared yourself to be un-American?
madKanga over 14 years ago
Is she a grown-up version of Danae?
cdward over 14 years ago
dukedog must be Canadian?
Just for fun, I overheard a conversation yesterday where someone declared themselves to be a “Tea Cup” person. Took me a moment to figure out they weren’t talking porcelain.
Silvrfrog2 over 14 years ago
Darkeforce you should change your name to Lightforce….you’re comments are rational and right!! Bravo!
twj0729 over 14 years ago
The only thing that makes sense of Dukedog’s rantings is “The eight hellish years of Bush!”
joefish25 over 14 years ago
The really sad thing? I know a woman just like this. Ended our 40 year friendship because I didn’t agree with her politics. And she called me narrow minded….
Cisco1 over 14 years ago
People expect Obama to fix it in 2 Yrs. It took Bush 8 to screw it up. And lets not forget what happened to the Rangers. If he can not run a baseball team why was he running the Country. He can’t even say Nuclear, I’m surprised he could read Dr. Suese.
peter0423 over 14 years ago
I think a lot of people have the wrong idea of what “bi-partisanship” means in practical terms.
It doesn’t mean, “We agree, we like each other, and we respect each other’s point of view.” Ha! We wish.
Rather, it’s: “You’re the vilest scum of the earth. Every time we shake hands I have to count my fingers afterwards, and it makes my flesh crawl to have to deal with you…but in this case, for our own opposite reasons, we can agree to do this one thing. Then we can go back to trying to get rid of each other.”
It’s how politics works - and it really does work. And international relations: even at the worst of the Cold War, the US and USSR sometimes found common cause, on pretty much those terms.
Maybe, given human nature, the height of civilization isn’t that we all become friends, but that we learn at least to find common ground as enemies.
Cisco1 over 14 years ago
“You have to Trust the people you lie to, so that when they turn there back on you, You get the chance to put the knife in.” Pink Floyd; Animals Album
kfaatz925 over 14 years ago
Absolutely love it, Wiley. Thanks for the thought-provoking laugh.
Trebor39 over 14 years ago
And that’s reality.
celloguy over 14 years ago
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I have been waiting for someone to draw this cartoon.
Nelly55 over 14 years ago
Thanks Wiley. Perfect analogy
Justice22 over 14 years ago
It didn’t take Pres. Bush 8 years to screw it up. It was only days. It continued for eight years and the Repubs in the Senate continue it today.
pdeason2 over 14 years ago
both parties have screwed up the nation and the peop;e in the tea party wants both parties to see that and deal with it and stop blaming each other and start working towards fixin the problems.
Whatroughbeast over 14 years ago
“Socialism needs two legs on which to stand; a right and a left. While appearing to be in complete opposition to one another, they both march in the same direction.” – Paul Proctor
I saw this in a post somewhere. If you think anything else, you’re delusional.
gpsr12 over 14 years ago
“People expect Obama to fix it in 2 Yrs. It took Bush 8 to screw it up. And lets not forget what happened to the Rangers. If he can not run a baseball team why was he running the Country. He can’t even say Nuclear, I’m surprised he could read Dr. Suese.”
*Because that’s what Obama promised. *What in the hell does running a baseball team have to do with running a country? *He may not have been able to say nuclear (not capitalized), but you can’t even spell Suess….
I love how you can always tell democrats in these comments because they have a vague idea that they should be opposed to something, but since they don’t actually know what that something is, they stick to the minor issues they can grasp…. “I’m pretty sure I hated our President - I think he must do bad things - sometimes he had trouble reading off the teleprompter! (insert quote from John Lennon song here)” … End of Argument. I guess in this case it was a Pink Floyd song…
JanLC over 14 years ago
Darkeforce you are wrong in so many ways I can’t even begin to enumerate.
pshapley Premium Member over 14 years ago
gpsr12: Make sure you get it right yourself: Dr. Seuss. Or maybe you’re trying to show you’re no better than what you’re criticizing.
jonathandough over 14 years ago
I have boxers that carry a very similar sentiment;
“If I Agreed With You, We’d Both Be Wrong!”
halavana over 14 years ago
Thanks Wiley. Much as some of us would like to place blame on 1 man, the course of our country has been guided for 200 years by a series of cohorts. Blaming Bush or Obama without noting what led up to their decisions isn’t going to change anything, except the pressure of steam in the one who vents. On second thought, vent away.
strodgers over 14 years ago
Darkeforce you’re a flaming bigot. It’s people like you who gave it to them. As for Bush stealing anything, apparently you wish to forget Obama did not get the majority of votes in the primary, it was Clinton who won the popular vote. Obama spent more than Bush in 2 years than Bush did in 8. The only thing I’ll give anyone is this: Take everyone who is part of either party, dump them in a big crater, pour oil, and flambe.
ImaginaryFriend over 14 years ago
It appears there is to be no common ground amongst the commentator’s today :D
vldazzle over 14 years ago
I have very strong opinions about just about everything and often couch my comments with a IMNHO, but I know some people will take offense to some remarks. Just today a friend took exception to a Chi Trib comment I made and posted on my Facebook. I doesn’t bother me, though I disagree with her.
wsedrel Premium Member over 14 years ago
I can only respond with: WTFN???!!! Not WTF; WHAT the FOX NEWS?!!! Help me make FOX NEWS a swear word: use it instead of the f— bomb every chance you get.
starbase502 over 14 years ago
To wsedrel:
starbase502 over 14 years ago
I meant: To wsedrel: (Rolling Eyes)
rrrnay over 14 years ago
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, it to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” —John Adams
RadioTom over 14 years ago
Darkeforce said, about 9 hours ago
Of course Bipartisanship doesn’t work. Democrats want to do what’s good for the citizens and the nation, and the Republicans want to destroy the nation, and it’s world-wide reputation, all the while making their campaign donors horrendously rich at the expense of the average taxpayer. If you want bipartisanship, the Democrats need to become as evil and vicious and hateful as the Republicans.
Or was it…
Of course Bipartisanship doesn’t work. Republicans want to do what’s good for the citizens and the nation, and the Democrats want to destroy the nation, and it’s world-wide reputation, all the while making their campaign donors horrendously rich at the expense of the average taxpayer. If you want bipartisanship, the Republicans need to become as evil and vicious and hateful as the Democrats.
Vote the THIRD Alternative. Back to basics.
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
The strip would work exactly as well if the two switched signs, of course.
Everybody has reasons for believing what they do, and of course they believe they’re right on all counts (if they believed their beliefs were wrong, they’d change their beliefs). Not all reasons are equally supportable, but it’s a mistake to necessarily attribute malice or stupidity to your political opposites. As SCATTY suggests, we all want to “do what’s best”; it’s just that we give different weights to different ideas of what’s “good.”
artybee over 14 years ago
Hey, Wiley doesn’t like it when the comments get political, but today he tapped the keg in the first place, didn’t he?
DonVanni over 14 years ago
Fritzoid, I just wish every had REASONS for what they believe. Way, WAY too many people think that “Faith” alone is enough for belief. They also think belief is enough to make something “True”.
benbrilling over 14 years ago
The Republicans can screw things up for as long as they can cling to being in the majority then they can screw things up for the Democrats (filibuster) when they get thrown out so the Dems can’t get anything done and then folks vote the Dems out because they can’t get anything done, then the Repubs screw things up some more, repeat…
DonVanni over 14 years ago
dsom8: What amazes ME is how well it’s matched by the hatred spewed by the right. (Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, etc., et al.)
vldazzle over 14 years ago
There is plenty of hatred to go around. I only HATE those who harm me and refuse to apologize. I have many good friends who are liberals, including one DIL.
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
DonVanni, what I’ve had to accept is that, often enough, “Faith” is a POWERFUL “reason” for many people. But as I suggested above, I don’t find it a very supportable one. Also, it’s just about the most unshakeable reason. (I’m using “reason” as a synonym for “motive”, rather than “cause brought on through rational deliberation.”) But still, they do what they do and endorse what they endorse because they think that it’s “for the good of all.”
Varnes over 14 years ago
Both dems and pubs abuse the system. But one administration used the deaths of 911 as an excuse for doing what they campaigned on, won on, and had started doing when 911 happened, invade Iraq. They even implied Sadam was involved in 911. It’s almost like they blamed the victims of 911 for making them invade Iraq. It disgusts me to this day. I don’t think I can ever forgive them….
etkd over 14 years ago
Ok, everone, why does everone feel the need to be so NASTY to each other. Fine, so you don’t share the same political views, but there is no need for such harsh language. “8 hellish years under Bush???” “your a flaming bigot???” I don’t think that such strong language is necessery. It is completely possible to disagree on something, yet still be civil to one another. I have both democratic and republican friends, and I can talk with any of them, disagree entirely, but still walk away friends, because NO HARSH WORDS WERE USED!
If a highly opinionated 18 year old can do that, then I think everone can.
yyyguy over 14 years ago
@ dsom8 It always amazes me, the hatred spewed.
Joseph Krois over 14 years ago
Ur strip has caused a stir… Left and right have ruffled fur… Two rights don’t make a wrong… But three make a left, like the song… But who has profited most… From ur comic panacea?… Well, at least there’s still work for Jerry Garcia…
Joseph Krois over 14 years ago
Oh and I wonder what the public reaction (outcry) would be if the self-righteous heffer in the red gown was a gorgeous blonde? Ok, maybe a latin cutie or an asian hottie? Would really make old man Garcia look sad 4 sure ;0)
JP Steve Premium Member over 14 years ago
“Maybe, given human nature, the height of civilization isn’t that we all become friends, but that we learn at least to find common ground as enemies.”
Great comment! Thanks SCATTY
JP Steve Premium Member over 14 years ago
smizzlybob over 14 years ago
I skipped all the comments when I saw that they mirror perfectly what the two fictional characters are saying.
Also, the quality of the shading on this one seems really bad compared to the unusually good quality I’ve come to expect from this strip. What happened?
LadyThornewood over 14 years ago
SOOOOO not touching this one
Aposteriori over 14 years ago
Notice how the reactionary woman is always angry and always assumes she is right no matter what?
That’s the political climate a faux-liberal like Obama has to wallow around in his stubbornly stupid bipartisanship experiment with the extremists on the right whom he insists on pandering to no matter how many times they tell him no, he continues to try to appease the “just say no” crowd.
treered over 14 years ago
Let the outside world break its own head. Well put! He is right. As the Good Book says, “If you spit in the air, it lands in your face. ” Nonsense. You can’t close your eyes to what’s happening in the world. He is right. He’s right and he’s right? They can’t both be right. You know, you are also right…
bmonk over 14 years ago
cdward said, 1 chuckle ago
Just for fun, I overheard a conversation yesterday where someone declared themselves to be a “Tea Cup” person. Took me a moment to figure out they weren’t talking porcelain.
Had they called themselves a “Tea Pot” person, you could ask them if that’s where they kept their tempest…
smizzlybob, does that include this comment?
smizzlybob over 14 years ago
bmonk, your comment leaves me bewildered and confused. To be honest I like tea and drink it almost every day.
mcgyver99 over 14 years ago
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
smizzlybob, look up “tempest in a teapot”.