Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for August 20, 2016
Caption: And lo, the magic honey dripped upon the sacred rose, and it grew in holy sweetness. The sacred rose grew bigger......and bigger.....until it blossomed in divine perfection that was called.....GIRL! Lucy: Oh, I can't wait to hear how boys were created... Danae: That had to wait until the creation of fertilizer. Lots and lots of fertilizer...
Adiraiju over 8 years ago
Needed a first draft before you got the final copy, did we, Danae?
Flash Gordon over 8 years ago
Not so fast you sexist author. Fertilizer? Really?
t_a_80111 over 8 years ago
Boys are made of worms and snails and puppy dog tails, not fertilizer. Get real!
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
Because girls are made of honey, they became a major contributing factor of diabetes.
Dtroutma over 8 years ago
Saw her answer coming in the fourth panel.
dadoctah over 8 years ago
In the interest of sexual equality, I propose replacing the word fertilizer with “womanure”.
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
The other day you booed me, and I didn’t quite understand why. And now you want to teach me about diabetes? Btw, my father died from complications from diabetes and high blood pressure, so I do know something about it.
Say What? Premium Member over 8 years ago
Methinks there was a considerable amount of spice added to the Sacred Rose if Danae popped out of it.
Say What? Premium Member over 8 years ago
I’m waiting for the scriptures regarding pain that her church’s sign suggests, or will that be the same scripture regarding the creation of boys?
Varnes over 8 years ago
Bruno, feminists?…I’m a feminist and I’m pissed…But aren’t we all?
franki_g over 8 years ago
Female & feminist if it means I don’t have to get stuck with the housework, but I don’t grow many roses. Can’t eat ‘em.Lots of tasty things grow in well fertilized beds. I think I’d rather be tasty than pretty but useless. Sorry, Danae, I’m a heretic
whiteheron over 8 years ago
I’m a cisgender, and I am being discriminated against.(I learned a new word this week. Can you tell?)
sandpiper over 8 years ago
On a different note:If boys’ development is a result of over-fertilization,can that be the reason so many boys grow to become politicians?As in, pre-conditioned to the profession.
sfreader1 over 8 years ago
It has happened again. My comment from yesterday has vanished! It was not off-color at all. Only mentioned that a cat’s hairball looks more like a moon than the earth. How can that be edited out?
zeexenon over 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing what everyone knows, and bringing down my day. Keep up the good work, clone of Stalin.
samlv over 8 years ago
But men were created first
pshapley Premium Member over 8 years ago
So girls are the product of bee barf. (That’s what honey is.)
hippogriff over 8 years ago
franki_gRose hips (buds) are a good source of vitamins, and therefore edible.
dabugger over 8 years ago
Flower and honey? Well, OK. Lucy seems to go along; now yes, here comes Danae and her thing about boys. Of coursein ‘due time’ that may be, with time of course…
mineresidents over 8 years ago
Church of Danae seems as good as any other.
sarah413 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Somewhere, Billy Sol Estes is having a good chuckle about fertilizer. I think you young ones will have to look this one up.
JP Steve Premium Member over 8 years ago
High fructose corn syrup is poison! Everybody should eat healthy fruit sugar instead. (Now, what was the other name for fruit sugar? Oh yeah, “fructose!”)
sfreader1 over 8 years ago
Dtroutma over 8 years ago
Sarah, as in shooting yourself in the back with a single shot rifle, seven times?
hippogriff over 8 years ago
whiteheronNo you’re not. You are just getting a rare taste of what the other genders have been putting up with for ages. It seems that experience might teach you something, but apparently nothing but another polysyllablic word.
427Thunderbolt over 8 years ago
Well, it certainly turns the traditional creation story on its head.