I once was in line beyond a woman at our Department of Motor Vehicles, and she had her drivers license photo taken over twice before she was happy with it. Not criticizing — just wish I had the nerve to do that. At my age, I’ve just about given up on a call from Hollywood for leading-man roles. Wait … is that the phone ringing?!
Walt, if you really want to see Aunty Acid move fast, just start poking around in her purse. A woman may move quickly untagging herself from an ugly picture, but nothing matches the sheer speed of one when you mess with her purse.
Marvin Premium Member over 8 years ago
You should know, Walt. Your wife Acid must be a pro at that.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 8 years ago
Blame Walt for saying “make like a prom dress and take off."
Flash Gordon over 8 years ago
See today’s Arlo and Janice.
emptc12 over 8 years ago
I once was in line beyond a woman at our Department of Motor Vehicles, and she had her drivers license photo taken over twice before she was happy with it. Not criticizing — just wish I had the nerve to do that. At my age, I’ve just about given up on a call from Hollywood for leading-man roles. Wait … is that the phone ringing?!
Strider Keninginne Premium Member over 8 years ago
Walt, if you really want to see Aunty Acid move fast, just start poking around in her purse. A woman may move quickly untagging herself from an ugly picture, but nothing matches the sheer speed of one when you mess with her purse.