Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 14, 2016
Lupin: The man has to get up early tomorrow. Here's Elvis with continuing coverage. Elvis: Lupin, I'm here where the man is trying to fall asleep. Here's Puck with more. Puck: The man has an important job interview tomorrow, so its crucial he wake up early. Lupin: We here at CN news will not rest until the man does. Elvis, is the man asleep? Elvis: Nope. Puck: I'm slowly knocking everything off this shelf so these things won't distract him. Man: PUCK STOP! Lupin: I'm batting the man's cell phone under the bed so the alarm won't disturb him. Man: Not now Lupin GO TO SLEEP! Elvis: We're in hour 7 of the man trying to sleep- Man: OH GOD STOP IT!!
Queen of America over 8 years ago
Still laughing at this one today! And, i love the jammies on the cats.
Alida_L over 8 years ago
And it’s all true! Lol.
boxturtle over 8 years ago
And make sure he feeds you before he leaves, kitties!
MIHorn Premium Member over 8 years ago
Cat racing across the bed at 5:45 AM . . . .so helpful.
Michael Scott Premium Member over 8 years ago
I love Puck’s bunny slipper!
momma-tink over 8 years ago
Priceless :) I am loving getting to see the early strips. I had missed a good number of them, having discovered this gem of a cartoon just before the Toddler arrived.
Clearstream over 8 years ago
I just love this. Poor Man! And our lil BCN reporters just think they are helping!
bookworm0812 over 8 years ago
Just lock the cat out of the bedroom, for crying out loud!
ladykat over 8 years ago
My Yum Yum does stuff like that from time to time
Kit Jeans over 8 years ago
Georgia knows her cats. They remind me of the cats in the Merry Maines series of books. I love Puck’s bunny slipper and his toothbrush—would that I could get mine to use one—themselves.
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 8 years ago
@ MiHorn: One of the upcoming episodes involves the 2AM Cat Olympics.
pam Miner over 8 years ago
I see the man has grown his hair back out. At hour 2, I would be rounding up 3 cat culprits and putting them in their carriers and putting the carriers in the garage.
NewLayout IsHorrible over 8 years ago
This is one of my favorite BCN strips.
Mary over 8 years ago
Been there! I need to sleep and Miss Cass thinks I should be petting her. She lets me know this by tapping her paw gently but firmly on my cheek.