Real science can mix languages too. In the late 20th century, they changed a lot of the binomials, even disregarding the custom that the first to describe gets to name it. The worst of these was throwing out the original – Linnaeus’s Felis domesticus became the cacophenous F. catus!
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
the big, floppy shoe thing makes a good point
Llewellenbruce about 8 years ago
There are people who are actually scared to deathof clowns. There is a name for it too.
mlkirk12530 about 8 years ago
Coulrophobia, Fear of Clowns
Kinemortophobia, Fear of Zombies
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
a double-win situation
The Reader Premium Member about 8 years ago
gammaguy about 8 years ago
Why would anyone “prefer” an apocalypse of any sort… especially when we can’t avoid the Democrat-versus-Republican version every couple of years?
Constantinepaleologos about 8 years ago
Grandpa clearly predates the coulrophobia epidemic by a few decades.
Wichita1.0 about 8 years ago
True,but they have those souped-up clown cars!!
Raijin about 8 years ago
What about a ‘Zombie-Clown Apocalypse’?
Michael Matchinsky about 8 years ago
Depends on which zombies; the old fashioned slow kind or the newer faster models.
jtviper7 about 8 years ago
Just how many clowns fit in a little car?
John Phelps about 8 years ago
Yeah, and the red noses make a good aiming point!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
gammaguy said,
“Why would anyone “prefer” an apocalypse of any sort… "
So they can say
My preacher’s been looking forward to it over 50 years.
JanLC about 8 years ago
Why would anyone be afraid of the great clowns like Emmet Kelly or Lou Jacobs? These were gentle men whose greatest love was making children laugh.
Number Three about 8 years ago
Plus they have delicious cream pies!
hippogriff about 8 years ago
Or Ted Gianolus, the Famous Chicken who proved mime can be enjoyable.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 8 years ago
I like his use of “Logic.”
hippogriff about 8 years ago
Real science can mix languages too. In the late 20th century, they changed a lot of the binomials, even disregarding the custom that the first to describe gets to name it. The worst of these was throwing out the original – Linnaeus’s Felis domesticus became the cacophenous F. catus!
tea62 about 8 years ago
But zombies are known for their slowness. And clowns can drive cars.